migraine headaches


New Member
I had a near miss with a total lockdown migraine last night. I was feelin' fine and eating supper with my roomies and watching South Park when I felt this twinge in my upper neck and a sudden wave of general uneasiness wash over me. It killed my appetite quite instantly and I suddenly didn't find the show funny anymore. After 10 minutes I took leave of my friends and went back to the comp. After 15 more minutes I started to feel the sudden onset of a right side total screamer of a headache come on. I tried sipping water, walking about a bit, massaging my neck and eyes, cold compress to the forehead to no avail. This thing kept getting worse and worse rather quickly. I took a painkiller ... but those take a good deal of time to kick in. I tried to find a distraction, but sound was hurting me and my eyes were starting to lock down. Its not like I could think clearly at that point anyway. It was just me and the escalating pain. After another 30 minutes the pain went high enough to cause me to weep and grip my head and want to hide in the dark. I went for broke and chased the first pain killer with 4 more ... and waited. After another 45 minutes the pain ebbed just enough for me to pass out. Nothing is quite as good as unconsciousness when your head is pounding. I woke up before sunrise this morning to that migraine morning after effect of rolling waves of bad headache aftershock and my tylenol destroyed digestive tract. I still have a pretty bad headache right now and can't take any more meds until my gut evens out. I only had 4 hours of quasi sleep last night and still feel as if this thing can just snap right back into full force in an instant. I want to go back to sleep ... but I fear that that may even retrigger it. I'm all shaky and spent. Its that feeling you have after an 18 hour day of marathon driving. I need to backtrack all that I've eaten over the last 36 hours to see if I did an allergy trigger. So how are you guys all doing today? Better than me, I hope.
Nah. I'm mobile and can do stuff like the dishes and laundry. Even being on the computer is semi-ok. I just can't read or do make loud noise or do any meaningful hard labors out in the yard. I'm just at half speed today waiting and watching for aftershock danger signals.
Ack that sounds AWFUL :sick:

haven't had one of those for awhile.

I hadn't been wearing my glasses because the nosepiece broke off and it was digging in, then I noticed over the last couple weeks that I had a headache ALL day EVERY day...so I got em fixed, headache gone!

so now I feel GREAT! :D

Isn't staring at the computer screen making it worse? :confuse3:
do you take any meds for it unc? painkillers dont work well on migranes. i only had one in my life and it sucked ass i hated it. hope you get better soon.
It wasn't a full blown migraine because I didn't get any shocky sweats, chills, or auras like I normally would. Staring at the screen does hurt a little bit... but I can't think of what to do with myself in another capacity that wouldn't send it over the edge again. I do know that bending over so that my head is lower than my heart causes a serious jump in pain... so that cancels even simple weed picking in the yard. I don't take any meds for it because I'm not a chronic sufferer. This is just something that comes up once every 4 months or so and makes my life rather ugly for 24 hours.

As a sidebar, I haven't touched any caffeine today because I fear that the spike in blood pressure would aggravate it ... but on the other hand, denial of caffiene could also cause a meltdown in its own little way. Anyone have any experience on this?
I've heard some horrid things about those. I know of a guy suffered from those all the time and would stop eating for days on end losing 10-20lbs at a time. What causes them anyway? I don't think they're the same as regular headaches in that the pain isn't caused by lack of circulation but something else. At least that's what i thought. If it were a blood circulation ussue you'd think your physician would give you some nitros or something similar with little arguement.
I've had a few triggered by my food allergies and caffeine overdose. I've no idea what set this one off... probably caffeine. Migraines are the exact opposite of headaches. Headaches are vasoconstriction while migrianes are vasodilation. Stuff that works on headaches usually make migraines even worse. The headache feeling is from the massive cerebral swelling of all of the veins in the brian puffing up almost at once causing brutal inward pressures.
That sounds extremely painful. Are you feeling any better yet? If not I'd say a trip to the dr. might not be a bad idea.
I woke up with one this morning .. haven't had one in so long ...

think I caught it from you, unc ;)
I'm moving about fairly well. I went to the garage to retrieve my sonic earplugs that I use for blocking out the noise of the lawnmower... so now sound isnt an issue. I went out and forced myself to do some weeding and accept the pain because it is such a beautiful day. Now that sound isn't an issue, I'm doing the initial lawn mowing of the year right now. There isn't any real grass yet, but last years dead thatch has to be knocked down a good inch and a half. If the biggest pain in the butt for the yard all year... but it makes my yard go haywire and rapid green when I do it. I figure that I should have a decent patch of greenery within 2 weeks. I'm hoping that a little exercise will help knock this pain back to hell where it belongs.

PT, Migrianes are usually 8 hours to 8 days. Mine are typically 30-36 hours. I won't go to the docs unless it lasts more than 48. Even then, I diiiiidn't quite make it to full blown migraine status. They won't usually pump you up full of drugs at the ER unless you are actively in a migriane and have a doumented history of not responding to pill based meds.
Well, I wasn't thinking for the drugs as much as for checking for other things. Surely a migraine is caused by something, isn't it?
unclehobart said:
They won't usually pump you up full of drugs at the ER unless you are actively in a migriane and have a doumented history of not responding to pill based meds.

for the mild migraines/bad headaches, they usually give fiorcet or fiorinal. i have given small doses of dilaudid or demerol for the mild cases. depends how well the patient responds to the pills. for the full-blown migraines, i've given some pretty high doses of dilaudid or demerol.
Glad to hear it. Now go make some thick black goo and snuggle up to your keyboard.