MiniDiscs! they rock!!


New Member
who is into making minidiscs?
my family has had MD technology/ability since like 1998 or 1999. my parents orginally got the equipment so that they could back up and preserve their many reel to reel tapes. but we never really used it.
i had made it my goal for a while to really get on that, but it wasnt til my friend shannon got into MD stuff that i got to see how truly cool the whole thing is.
since then i've tinkered. at first i couldnt get it to record from cd, but that was my own fault. today, i finally got it. i recorded, labeled, moved and erased tracks onto an mix MD i made of my favorite band AFI.
gah! So Much Fun! lol.

i'd like to upgrade stuff, tho.
md technology seems to have come a ways, as i saw with shannon's stuff.
she has a md walkman that hooks to her comp with a usb thing and she can record from cds with that, and i think she can even put her mp3's on, too. she can also fit numerous cds on a md... far exceeding the time limit printed on the disc because it's compressed differently when she does it on her comp.
i wish my clunky shelf unit and little outdated md walkman could do that, lol. at present i can fit less than an cd album and a half on a md because the "74 minute" limit printed on it applies. i can't do mp3's, and i have to sit and tend to the device while it records (to insert track breaks, etc).

my dad says that we can look at the new one like shannon has. he says that memorial day weekend sales happen soon and we might be able to get me one then. :)

yay md!!
A friend and I bought a mini-disc recorder and some Shure microphones back in 1999 so we could record concerts. We ended up recording a total of 2 :) One Bela Fleck and the Flecktones show and a Phish show that didn't turn out. Mini discs are pretty cool though.

A different friend currently has the mini-disc recorder and he records his own compositions on it.
Inkara1 said:
Do you notice any effects of the lossy compression?

Yeah, but it was still better then an MP3...much better actually. I stuck a mixing board between the MiniDisc recorder and my PC when transfering the audio, which helped out a lot. I tried using a digital mixing board, but I couldn't find a free (or a cracked) one worth a damn so I borrowed one from a friend.
Inkara1 said:
Do you notice any effects of the lossy compression?

Only if you're anal about it. Otherwise it sounds great.

Ash r

My record is 74 songs one one disc so far. I have 4 others which average out to 65 songs a disc.
I recorded a couple of 200mb discs, that my cuz gave me,
and a couple of those that have the flat edges (business card type).
I haven't bought any though. The price just isn't in my likable range. :D
IMHO, they may be the best thing ever, but they don't have much market share, which groups them with the dodo, beta, and sacd.