minor detail....


<b>mod cow</b>
the bold/italic thingie on the mod/admin thingie isn't working properly :D

just thought i'd mention it...
After I read this I went and looked and mine looked like the pic you posted. Then I "shouted" and when I looked again it was fixed :shrug:
things are ok here as well now :confuse3:

geez, i really gotta quit on the coffee :D

edit: it only does that when you go to the shoutbox and return to the forums...:) seems like there still hope for my brain lol :D
let me know if it always works now. mine has been flip flpping it seems.
I've noticed them flip flopping too, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Haven't really noticed any kind of pattern though.
I haven't been to the shout box, but it was doing it to me
too just now.
I've been having some minor trouble with the forums updating
too. (I think it's some kinda cookie thing, maybe on my end)
Anyway I matk all forums read periodically and when I did it
this time it also fixed that.

But, if I hit the refresh button it's screwed again.?(
yeah, same here...turns out to be a bit more random than i thought...not that it's a big deal or anything :)
catocom said:
I've been having some minor trouble with the forums updating

That is the way VB is. The forums on the main page don't loose their ne wpost markers unless you mark them :)
I think it's just these later versions of vb.
JJRs did the same thing, but I still have 2.0.1, and it doesn't
seem to do it.:confuse3: