Minus one

yeah he didn't seem real strong once things got serious.

hey gonz, what's wrong with mccain? (i seem to remember you having some specific objection to him...)

so there's romney. i like his business experience.

and huckabee. he seems like a nice guy, but almost too nice. like, could be the antichrist nice.
yeah he didn't seem real strong once things got serious.

Thompson made a lot of sense, until he announced. Then he started being a politician instead of a statesman, and it all went to hell from there.

hey gonz, what's wrong with mccain? (i seem to remember you having some specific objection to him...)

Can't speak for the Hoosier, but I can't stand the fact that he is the biggest liar in the race myself. Other than that, he's spiffy.

so there's romney. i like his business experience.

Then make him a CEO.

and huckabee. he seems like a nice guy, but almost too nice. like, could be the antichrist nice.

I gots me a theory on Huckleberry. I think he'd already be gone if not for one thing. I honestly believe that the Iowa voters sent a message to the big four (Fred, Mitt, Rudy, and John) that we don't really like you either. So we ain't voting for any of you four. The votes fell to Huckleberry instead of Tancredo or Paul or whoever that other feller was. Had they fallen to one of them instead, Huckleberry'd be a distant memory today. But he isn't. Yet. I've already busted him flipflopping once. I don't think it'll be the last.

Early voted today btw...
yeah damnit, I ain't backin' nobody at this point.
I may have to settle for romney, but I won't like it.
When I do vote, it will be more of vote against rather than for.
At the moment, I would like to vote against every one running. *sigh*
He didn't support the Bush tax cuts. McCain-Feingold ring a bell? How about McCain-Kennedy immigration?

With Thompson gone, I actually may end up sitting this one out. He was the only option that had some modicum of conservatism (and that was a bit wishy-washy) I don't know much about Romney (other than he reminds me of George Kennedy with his tan) . I don't like any of them.

Hell, I may support Obama-Clinton. Maybe after 4 years of them we can relive the Carter defeat with a real conservative. (are there any ledt?)
Thompson just called it quits.

Just as well. He started flipflopping more than a landed trout.

Make yourself a stringer out of 550 cord...:D

Anyway...there is no candidate out there I would consider voting for, either. All we've got are muttering sycophants and sound-bite experts. Basically actors with a script out there to entertain the masses.
Make yourself a stringer out of 550 cord...:D

Anyway...there is no candidate out there I would consider voting for, either. All we've got are muttering sycophants and sound-bite experts. Basically actors with a script out there to entertain the masses.

...bread and circuses...
Have you really looked at it?

i don't really care if he had a hand in laying a lot of people off. in fact, i support laying people off when it's a good business decision.

disinvestment more generally is often a good strategy.

yes, there's a history in this country of laying people off as a first resort by dumbshits who can't think creatively, but, ultimately... nobody has a right to a job. it's a market economy. fuck 'em.
Layoffs were a pretty small part of that article. Bankruptcies, debt, unhappy shareholders, etc, etc.

While his business practices didn't work out for many, he himself got rich I suppose. If that's what you're looking for.
i don't really care if he had a hand in laying a lot of people off. in fact, i support laying people off when it's a good business decision.

disinvestment more generally is often a good strategy.

yes, there's a history in this country of laying people off as a first resort by dumbshits who can't think creatively, but, ultimately... nobody has a right to a job. it's a market economy. fuck 'em.

See capitalism (n).