Minus one

Layoffs were a pretty small part of that article. Bankruptcies, debt, unhappy shareholders, etc, etc.

While his business practices didn't work out for many, he himself got rich I suppose. If that's what you're looking for.

actually layoffs were not a small part of the article, but the emphasis on them made it pretty obvious where the author(s)'s sympathies were. as to the rest of it, didn't seem to be much detail other than "after he left shit happened," which to me seems more than mildly suspect. maybe we can wean some others off newsmax if you lead by example and unsubscribe from the commie times...?
actually layoffs were not a small part of the article, but the emphasis on them made it pretty obvious where the author(s)'s sympathies were. as to the rest of it, didn't seem to be much detail other than "after he left shit happened," which to me seems more than mildly suspect.

His business experience seems more than mildly suspect. A venture capitalist who buys companies, lays off all the workers, and then offers them their jobs back at reduced wages with no benefits so he can line his own pockets does not strike me as someone who will look out for the American public.

Maybe you could tell us what business experience has you so impressed?

Was it the way his firm gutted, indebted, and bankrupted companies they bought while they got rich? The pissed off shareholders and their settlements? You must have been similarly impressed with Bush's business experience then.

maybe we can wean some others off newsmax if you lead by example and unsubscribe from the commie times...?

What gives you the impression that Politico.com is the commie times? So far a search for complaints about the site have turned up nothing but a few references to a slight right wing bias.

What's this information you have?
"And I hear from time to time people say, hey, wait a second. We have civil liberties we have to worry about. But don't forget, the most important civil liberty I expect from my government is my right to be kept alive, and that's what we're going to have to do." - Mitt "Battlefield Earth" Romney

A spokesman for the Mitt Romney campaign is thus far refusing to say whether Romney sees any positive role in America for atheists and other non-believers, after Election Central inquired about the topic yesterday

It's a sign that Romney may be seeking to submerge evangelical distaste for Mormonism by uniting the two groups together in a wider culture war. Romney's speech has come under some criticism, even from conservatives like David Brooks and Ramesh Ponnuru, for positively mentioning many prominent religions but failing to include anything positive about atheists and agnostics.

Indeed, the only mentions of non-believers were very much negative. "It is as if they're intent on establishing a new religion in America – the religion of secularism. They're wrong," Romney said, being met by applause from the audience.


More business experience here

While in private business, Mitt Romney utilized shell companies in two offshore tax havens to help eligible investors avoid paying U.S. taxes, federal and state records show.

yeah ya won't have Tom to kick around any more.
That is unless Romney loses, and doesn't make him head of DHS.
His business experience seems more than mildly suspect. A venture capitalist who buys companies, lays off all the workers, and then offers them their jobs back at reduced wages with no benefits so he can line his own pockets does not strike me as someone who will look out for the American public.

Maybe you could tell us what business experience has you so impressed?

Was it the way his firm gutted, indebted, and bankrupted companies they bought while they got rich? The pissed off shareholders and their settlements? You must have been similarly impressed with Bush's business experience then.

What gives you the impression that Politico.com is the commie times? So far a search for complaints about the site have turned up nothing but a few references to a slight right wing bias.

What's this information you have?

um, i dunno, maybe the obvious attempt at indicting a republican candidate?

lookie here, i don't know a ton about romney's background, and i'm not about to spend a shitload of time researching it, either. if he actually becomes the candidate, i will take a closer look. but i'm not about to get down on him at this point because of the rantings of a) you, or, b) a labor-centric article, when i fully understand the relative likelyhood of an accurate appraisal from either source. it'd be like asking peel about homos, or gonz about those murdering bastards, CNN.

BTW, every businessperson makes decisions to cut, slash, dump, et cetera. i tell you this because you've obviously never made business decisions before.
um, i dunno, maybe the obvious attempt at indicting a republican candidate?

You mean presenting factual information about a politician. They do that for lots of them. The site is called "Politico".

lookie here, i don't know a ton about romney's background, and i'm not about to spend a shitload of time researching it, either. if he actually becomes the candidate, i will take a closer look.

Isn't your primary in less than a month? What are you waiting for? You said "I like his business experience" based on nothing?

but i'm not about to get down on him at this point because of the rantings of a) you, or, b) a labor-centric article, when i fully understand the relative likelyhood of an accurate appraisal from either source.

I'm just having a discussion here. If you find any inaccuracies be sure to point them out. Otherwise there's no reason to get cranky.

BTW, every businessperson makes decisions to cut, slash, dump, et cetera. i tell you this because you've obviously never made business decisions before.

I've made plenty of business decisions and I also know enough about venture capitalists that gut companies for their own profit. Maybe you haven't heard of the practice though.

Have you heard of sustainable business practices with happy employees? It happens more often than you think.
1. You mean presenting factual information about a politician. They do that for lots of them. The site is called "Politico".

2. Isn't your primary in less than a month? What are you waiting for? You said "I like his business experience" based on nothing?

3. I'm just having a discussion here. If you find any inaccuracies be sure to point them out. Otherwise there's no reason to get cranky.

4. I've made plenty of business decisions and I also know enough about venture capitalists that gut companies for their own profit. Maybe you haven't heard of the practice though.

5. Have you heard of sustainable business practices with happy employees? It happens more often than you think.

1. "facts," right. gee, the fact is i got a 1.8 (out of 4.0) GPA in high school, so i must be a superloser, eh? leave out any of my other personal details, and... yeah. your article was only focused on the negative, because hey, dirt sells ad space. not "fair and balanced like FOXnews. :eek8: haha me so funny. so pardon me if i'm a bit dismissive.

2. what makes you think i can vote in the republican primary?

3. sorry if i'm cranky, sugar, but you can be annoying.

4. umm yeah i might know a little bit about that. and there's a lot of wangs and morons in VC, for sure. but there's a lot of wangs and morons wherever MBAs fly.

5. um, i often act as consultant to those businesses, so, yeah, mighta heard of that.
1. "facts," right. gee, the fact is i got a 1.8 (out of 4.0) GPA in high school, so i must be a superloser, eh? leave out any of my other personal details, and... yeah.

If we were evaluating you as a candidate that would be one of many things to take into account.

your article was only focused on the negative, because hey, dirt sells ad space. not "fair and balanced like FOXnews. :eek8: haha me so funny. so pardon me if i'm a bit dismissive.

The article was certainly focused on the negative. There's plenty of positive article about him as well (even at Politico). I'd be glad to look at it all but being dismissive of any negatives is not going to get you an accurate picture.

2. what makes you think i can vote in the republican primary?

I have no idea if you can vote at all. I seem to remember you're from Washington and their primary is in less than a month. If you want to tell me how things work there I'd be glad to have that info.

3. sorry if i'm cranky, sugar, but you can be annoying.

Sorry man, I'm sure information that casts doubt is annoying and you don't exactly always have the most flowery way of presenting your side of things either.