Miracle aborted baby survives being dumped

'Miracle baby' dies
Elize Jacobs
March 12 2003 at 05:38AM

The premature baby boy who survived after being aborted at the weekend has died.

The mother and her alleged accomplice are now to be charged with murder.

The baby's condition deteriorated from stable on Monday to "gasping for life" earlier on Tuesday. But, last night, authorities at Pretoria Academic Hospital confirmed the baby had died.

Doctors said the baby's heartbeat became very weak before he died.

The hospital's chief superintendent, Dr Ernest Kenoshi, said the baby suffered from septicaemia, an infection of the blood stream - most likely related to the way he had been treated after birth.

The baby boy was born after premature labour was allegedly induced in Marabastad, near Pretoria.

Weighing just 1kg, he was found in the back of a car on Saturday after allegedly being dumped by the mother, Pinky Phaahla, 34, of Hammanskraal.

She and Elizabeth Molomo have been remanded in custody until Monday. -


Can't find anything on the trial.
Found this.

Cop found aborted baby in plastic bag
Hanti Otto
September 30 2004 at 11:56AM

A police inspector on Wednesday told the Pretoria regional court he only realised an aborted baby he found in a plastic bag was still alive when the child shivered.

Inspector Riaan Klopper found the baby in a black plastic bag in a car in the backyard of a panel beater in Marabastad on March 8 last year.

Born about four months prematurely and weighing only 1,1kg, the boy died a week after being admitted to the Pretoria Academic Hospital.

Marungwana Pinkie Phaahla, 34, and Elizabeth Madlozi Molomo, 40, were arrested in connection with committing an illegal abortion. When the child died the charge was changed to murder.

The women on Wednesday denied guilt.

It was alleged that Phaahla was the child's mother and that Molomo, a nurse at a surgery in Marabastad, gave the mother a potion to induce birth.

Klopper told the court how they were called out to Maraba-stad. He found the baby inside the bag. wrapped in newspaper.

At first he believed the child was dead. It was only when he shivered that Klopper realised he was still alive.

The trial will continue in January.


March 2003, trial heard Sept 2004, remanded to January 2005. Is it too much to hope that they've been enjoying the hospitality of the grey bar hotel all this time?
I'm pro-choice, but these people that want to wait 2,3, or more months before
aborting should be jailed.
5 months???? Something should be done.