misheard lyrics

Eagles', "Hotel California"
Misheard Lyrics:
The warm smell of cunnilingus, rising up through the air.

Original Lyrics:
The warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air.

OMG :rofl2:
Blur's, "Song2"
Misheard Lyrics:

Original Lyrics:
Woo hoo
When I feel heavy metal
Woo hoo
And I'm pins and I'm needles.

Story about this misheard lyric by: Skisa
My best friend and I were outside. I played my favourite song: Blur's 'Song 2'. Suddenly he asked me 'Why doesn't he sing something more interesting than Badadadadadada?' I couldn't stop laughing. He really heard NO TEXT! That's funny!

:laugh: :rofl4: :rofl2:
I think knowing where the bathroom is would be more useful than knowing there's a bad moon on the rise... is that a sign I'm getting too old?