miss CA made sex tape for boyfriend... how wholesome!

Damn Jim you certainly stay on top of all the kiddie porn, pedophile, sex with kids type of subjects.

It is called being well informed on many subjects by reading and listening to current events and news.

So how's that work? If the age of consent is 16 that means a 19yr old could have sex with a 16 year old but can't film it? Can two 16 year olds film their sex and watch it? If they watch themselves in that video when they're 20 is it now illegal.

Like if miss CA warched her own video?

Here is how it works these days:


US teen cuffed for sending nude phone pics ... of herself

By Dan Goodin in San Francisco

Posted in Crime, 8th October 2008 23:39 GMT

A 15-year-old Ohio girl was arrested on felony child pornography charges for allegedly sending nude cell phone pictures of herself to classmates. Authorities are considering charging some of the students who received the photos as well.

The unnamed student from Licking Valley High School in Newark, Ohio was arrested Friday after school officials discovered the materials and notified police. She spent the weekend in juvenile detention and entered a plea of "deny" on Monday, according to The NewarkAdvocate.com.

Charges include illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material and possession of criminal tools. If convicted, the girl could be forced to register as a sexual offender for 20 years, but because of her age, the judge hearing the case has some flexibility in the matter, an official told the Advocate.

The pictures came to light after a Licking County prosecutor began visiting high schools to educate students on the consequences of transmitting nude photos by cell phone. According to one student interviewed by 10TV News, the teens were warned they could serve 20 years if convicted.

A student later notified an adult of the nude cell phone pictures, and the adult in turn contacted school officials. School officials had pulled the girl aside and warned her about the behavior immediately after the presentation, according to a separate article by the Advocate.

This isn't the first case in which zealous American prosecutors have used child pornography statutes to protect vulnerable juveniles from themselves. In 2004, a 16-year-old girl and her 17-year-old boyfriend took pictures of themselves while naked and engaged in unspecified "sexual behavior." They didn't show the pictures to anyone, but they did send them to the boy's email address.

Eventually each was charged with producing, directing, or promoting a photograph featuring the sexual conduct of a child. The boy was also charged with an extra count of possession of child pornography. As CNET News reported here, the girl's conviction was upheld last year on appeal.

Licking County prosecutors say they have received some 20 cases involving questionable cell phone pictures. They say investigators are trying to determine how many juveniles received nude photos of the girl and have left open the possibility that others will be charged in the incident.

The girl, who is a foster child, remains under house arrest. She is not allowed to have access to a cell phone or the internet except for school purposes and then only with adult supervision. ®


NJ girl, 14, arrested after posting nude pics of herself on MySpace
By Beth DeFalco
The Associated Press
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 03.26.2009

TRENTON, N.J. — A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been accused of child pornography after posting nearly 30 explicit nude pictures of herself on MySpace.com — charges that could force her to register as a sex offender if convicted.

The case comes as prosecutors nationwide pursue child pornography cases resulting from kids sending nude photos to one another over cell phones and e-mail. Legal experts, though, could not recall another case of a child porn charge resulting from a teen’s posting to a social networking site.

MySpace would not comment on the New Jersey investigation, but the company has a team that reviews its network for inappropriate images. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tipped off a state task force, which alerted the Passaic County Sheriff’s Office.

The office investigated and discovered the Clifton resident had posted the “very explicit” photos of herself, sheriff’s spokesman Bill Maer said Thursday.

“We consider this case a wake-up call to parents,” Maer said. The girl posted the photos because “she wanted her boyfriend to see them,” he said.

Investigators are looking at individuals who “knowingly” committed a crime, he said, declining to comment further because the case is still being investigated.

The teen, whose name has not been released because of her age, was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography. She was released to her mother’s custody.

If convicted of the distribution charge, she would be forced to register with the state as a sex offender under Megan’s Law, said state Attorney General Anne Milgram. She also could face up to 17 years in jail, though such a stiff sentence is unlikely.

Some observers — including the New Jersey mother behind the creation of Megan’s Law — are criticizing the trend of prosecuting teens who send racy text messages or post illicit photos of themselves.

Maureen Kanka — whose daughter, Megan, became the law’s namesake after she was raped and killed at age 7 in 1994 by a twice-convicted sex offender — blasted authorities for charging the 14-year-old girl.

The teen needs help, not legal trouble, she said.

“This shouldn’t fall under Megan’s Law in any way, shape or form. She should have an intervention and counseling, because the only person she exploited was herself.”

Called “sexting” when it’s done by cell phone, teenagers’ habit of sending sexually suggestive photos of themselves and others to one another is a nationwide problem that has confounded parents, school administrators and law enforcers.

Prosecutors in states including Pennsylvania, Connecticut, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin have tried stop it by charging teens who send and receive the pictures.
In northeastern Pennsylvania, a prosecutor recently threatened to file child porn charges against three teenage girls who authorities say took racy cell-phone pictures that ended up on classmates’ cell phones.

The MySpace case may be a first, though.

“I’m not sure I’ve seen a prosecution like this coming out of a social networking site,” said Seth Kreimer, a constitutional law professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Milgram, the attorney general, could not recall another such case in New Jersey. She cautioned parents to get on those sites and monitor what their kids are talking about and posting.
“Unfortunately, youth don’t have the same judgment as adults,” she said, “and often, adults don’t have the same technical savvy as the youth.”

So you can be arrested as a child pornographer and purveyor of kiddie porn for sending or posting nude pictures of yourself if you are underage.

If you are interested in the age of consent laws, simply click HERE; but be prepared to be shocked by some of the state laws.
That didn't address anything I brought up since all those girls were under any states age of consent. Both examples are arrests and not convictions as well.
yeah, make sure you got a big enough rubber to fit your comp, and that
it doesn't have any holes in it.:bgpimp:
That didn't address anything I brought up since all those girls were under any states age of consent. Both examples are arrests and not convictions as well.

Fine. You asked:

So how's that work? If the age of consent is 16 that means a 19yr old could have sex with a 16 year old but can't film it? Can two 16 year olds film their sex and watch it? If they watch themselves in that video when they're 20 is it now illegal.

Like if miss CA warched her own video?

That would depend on the zealousness of the prosecutor.

Point by point:

If the age of consent is 16 that means a 19yr old could have sex with a 16 year old but can't film it?

Whether they can have sex depends on the state where the sex takes place. In some states there is an age differential in which it is okay for someone to have sex with someone who is two years their junior but not if they are three or more. That was one of the issues in the LDS case in Texas.

As for filming the act, the distribution and possession of the video is where they would go afoul of the law. Mere possession would be illegal for the older person but not illegal for the younger person. The video could be used as an exhibit in a case against the older person but if they never possessed the video it could not be used as a charge against them. Since the younger person being in possession of their own image would not violate the law there would be no charge unless it could be proven that they distributed the material.

Can two 16 year olds film their sex and watch it?

The problem with this one is that if they are sitting there watching the video they are both in possession of the material which contains the image of the other person. Since the other person is under age the other other person is in violation. Complicated enough?

If they watch themselves in that video when they're 20 is it now illegal.

It wasn't legal when they were sixteen so it cannot be legal when they are twenty.

Like if miss CA warched her own video?

As long as she didn't distribute the video there is no problem. The fact is, however, that she did distribute the video to her boyfriend at the time. That would be illegal.

As to her possessing the video and watching her own image on the video there is no crime.

Does that answer all of your questions?
I am laughing my ass off. Yes, she IS a poser. If you're going to put yourself out there as the poster child for family values then you better walk the walk when you talk the talk. :lol:

To straighten up all the chat in this thread...
a) she was not 17 she was 20 years old
b) she is a poser because (see above)
The article said

Prejean admitted to making the video of herself and sending it to her boyfriend when she was 17 years old.

Straighten it up if there is a link to it. :shrug:

I've forgotten: Was she the poster child for family values, or anti-gay marriage?

I wonder if Harvey Levin has any ulterior motives for saying he has the tape?
yeah let's be as much of drama queens about this whole thing as perez and carrie have been. then we can all look smart.
I am laughing my ass off. Yes, she IS a poser. If you're going to put yourself out there as the poster child for family values then you better walk the walk when you talk the talk. :lol:

it's amazing how difficult this idea can be.
She answered one question posed from a homo
and now she's the poster child for family values.
Miss CA smokin' all the yay

and launched her out of the beauty circuit into a life of grime!
I think it's completely hilarious how much attention this pageant whore is getting. How many of you actually watch those pageants? Mark me down for "never". Yet she's still in the news like she has ANYTHING important to tell us. :lol: :lol2: :rofl: :rofl2:
I think it's completely hilarious how much attention this pageant whore is getting. How many of you actually watch those pageants? Mark me down for "never". Yet she's still in the news like she has ANYTHING important to tell us. :lol: :lol2: :rofl: :rofl2:

Well...since you joined in the discussion, I guess that would make you a part of the problem, innit? :D