miss california appears even dumber than first believed

This entire mess is because of two things -- political correctness and tokenism.

The only reason that Perez Hilton was even there is because he was the obligatory Gay who now has to be on every program and in every movie being made.

The boob was being used and he doesn't even know it. He was the token Gay who was there for nothing more than the approbation of the national fruit basket.

Why else would a man, who has absolutely no appreciation for the human female form, be a judge for a contest of same? He has proven, through his misogynistic rants, that he is a woman hating man whore who is dying for attention.
Because it changes the social norms.

god forbid we have to deal with something different.

too bad we can't rescind all social change and go back to living in caves.

good thing tommy jefferson didn't think lke you huh?
"Well, I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one way or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. You know what, in my country, in my family, I do believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised, and I believe that it should be between a man and a woman."
god forbid we have to deal with something different.
too bad we can't rescind all social change and go back to living in caves.
good thing tommy jefferson didn't think lke you huh?

Great then there is still hope that the 'changing social norms'
will one day include the rape of underage girlies.

No wait my bet is that was legal back in the caveman days!

JP thanks for the links, Man thems some nice breasties!
(i.e. perfect)
Cryin’ shame she thought it compulsory to ruin them with silly-cone :(
well the conclusion I've come to on gay marriage, is basically the same
as abortion, in that they are both circumventing procreation.

IMO the same basic principles should apply.
As I've said, at this point it should be a state issue.

That said, the fed needs to stay out of state bailouts if they fail due to
behavior that doesn't keep them up.
Unforeseen circumstance, and such maybe, if corrected.

I personally don't believe gays can marry, according to my own definition of marriage.
You're presuming, naturally, that the Thomas Jefferson of old could exist today with the same ideology intact.
oh no, there would have to be 50-1100 pages min, not counting amendments, addressing all manner of grievances, just initially.

It would be a spectacle, but what is there now?

There has to be a place where like people can more or less flock to.

Being able to handle diversaty in the system that was setup is what the United States is about IMO.
Being able to handle diversity in the system that was setup is what the United States is about IMO.

Exactly. Why is there so much whining about it when people want to be diverse? Why are so many self-professed Americans against everything America is supposed to have stood for? The intent of the founders is quite clear. Those who try to twist that through whatever verbal gymnastics to fit their own neuroses and prejudices are just plain wrong.
I'll probably throw another loop on the conservative side when I say,
I also believe the Reagan joint filing taxes should go, if the fair tax isn't going to go.

Wasn't that Reagan?
Would he have allowed homosexual marriage?

would dirt farmers living under feudalism ever imagine being able to voice an opinion? not being tied to the land?

was slavery cool? jefferson was down with that. is it okay that that changed?
well the conclusion I've come to on gay marriage, is basically the same
as abortion, in that they are both circumventing procreation.

no shit. and that's exactly why jesus is against 'em. because jesus wants you to be fruitful and multiply beyond your means, so's your little kiddies can form a fully dependent labor source, with no means to extract themselves from that position. yeah bitches! don't go to college! breed! sweep my floor! yeah! wanna do something else? you can't! you're stuck! ha ha ha aha....
yep, I believe Jesus Christ wants that also, and is sadden by it, but that
doesn't mean he wants all the people that are pro choice, or gay, destroyed.
no shit. and that's exactly why jesus is against 'em. because jesus wants you to be fruitful and multiply beyond your means, so's your little kiddies can form a fully dependent labor source, with no means to extract themselves from that position. yeah bitches! don't go to college! breed! sweep my floor! yeah! wanna do something else? you can't! you're stuck! ha ha ha aha....

Yeah, go get that liberal arts degree..... and supersize my quarter pounder with cheese.
Hernan Castillo is treading water, trying to survive under the weight of $5,200 in credit card debt and $30,000 in student loans. He’s making payments on time, but the Orange County, Calif., resident sees little hope for getting out of the warehouse job he holds and landing a job as an accountant, the field in which he earned his degree. And forget about saving money for a home or retirement. He now firmly believes the money he spent earning a college degree was a waste.

"Every day I wish I had never gone to college,” Castillo said. “It has been the biggest mistake of my life. Sometimes I wish I had gone to prison instead of college. At least I would have learned a trade or two and started being independent once I got out."

Castillo is one of thousands of student debtors who've found their way to the StudentLoanJustice.org Web site, propelled by last year’s credit squeeze and the abrupt economic downturn, according to Alan Collinge, who runs the site.

A recent study by Sallie Mae shows college student credit card debt is skyrocketing. Graduates leave school with 41 percent more credit card debt than four years ago, with one in five owing at least $7,000 on plastic by the time they get their diploma. Worse yet, the study showed that more students – 22 percent -- make the minimum payment each month than the 17 percent who pay their bills in full. A full 82 percent said they carried balances each month, and were forced to pay finance charges, far more than the national average of about 50 percent.

Meanwhile, there are signs that student loan default rates are rising. It's too early to see the impact of the credit collapse of 2008 -- there's nearly a two-year time lag after graduation before students are officially in default on their loans. But the most recent data shows 7 percent of students who began repaying loans during 2006-2007 had defaulted by September 2008, the highest rate in 10 years.

GO TO THE LINK TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE: http://redtape.msnbc.com/2009/05/co...s-i-wish-id-gone-to-prison-instead.html#posts

Not just me saying it.
well the conclusion I've come to on gay marriage, is basically the same
as abortion, in that they are both circumventing procreation.

IMO the same basic principles should apply.
As I've said, at this point it should be a state issue.

That said, the fed needs to stay out of state bailouts if they fail due to
behavior that doesn't keep them up.
Unforeseen circumstance, and such maybe, if corrected.

I personally don't believe gays can marry, according to my own definition of marriage.
So don't marry a guy, Cat. :shrug:
no shit. and that's exactly why jesus is against 'em. because jesus wants you to be fruitful and multiply beyond your means, so's your little kiddies can form a fully dependent labor source, with no means to extract themselves from that position. yeah bitches! don't go to college! breed! sweep my floor! yeah! wanna do something else? you can't! you're stuck! ha ha ha aha....
Well that's why Jesus didn't marry and have kids, b/c he was a homosexual. Jesus doesn't believe in gay marriage so why would he get married? Sheesh! :rolleyes: