Mistaken Identity

Um, if I take out a contract on my wife's life, I'm equally charged with attempted murder. If that contract is filled, I'm eligable for a murder charge. Anyone care to apply the logic being used above to this case?

If I thought I was passing state secrets to a foreign agent, but he was actually CIA, did I commit treason?

If I walk up to a car, identical to mine in a mall parking lot, and my key works in the lock, and unknowingly I drive off in it, is that theft?

Intent always has been, and always will be a large part of law. Murder has degrees, but the victim isn't any less dead, is he?
Unknown to me, 20 minutes before I spoke with the assassin, my wife was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident.

On the way to meet with the Foreign agent, I was hit by a car and rendered unconscious. The documents were found on my person by a police officer looking for identification.
chcr said:
If a female cop pretends to be a prostitute and offers to blow you for 50 bucks, that's entrapment. So's this.

Not entirely accurate. IF a female cop posing as a hooker OFFERS, then it is entrapment. If a female cop dresses like a hooker, walks a hooker's corner, and replies like a hooker, then hears an offer, it's a legal bust. Ergo, IF this piece of child molesting shit made the first offer OR the first request, it is not entrapment.

There is no law against pretending to be 12 online. There are beaucoup laws against soliciting 12 year old kids online. Therein lies the rub.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Not entirely accurate. IF a female cop posing as a hooker OFFERS, then it is entrapment. If a female cop dresses like a hooker, walks a hooker's corner, and replies like a hooker, then hears an offer, it's a legal bust. Ergo, IF this piece of child molesting shit made the first offer OR the first request, it is not entrapment.
I understand the part about entrapment by the female cop (hence "offers"). The difference is that she exists. Whether or not the piece of shit made the first offer, he did not make it to a fourteen year old girl. I don't have an answer, but this answer stretches law enforcement way past the breaking point, IMO.
chcr said:
I understand the part about entrapment by the female cop (hence "offers"). The difference is that she exists.

The cop exists; the hooker does not. In one case, the cop is lying, pretending to be a hooker; in the other case, the cop is lying, pretending to be a 14-year-old girl.
chcr said:
I understand the part about entrapment by the female cop (hence "offers"). The difference is that she exists. Whether or not the piece of shit made the first offer, he did not make it to a fourteen year old girl. I don't have an answer, but this answer stretches law enforcement way past the breaking point, IMO.

they set the trap, like a speed trap

they didn't lead the guy into it.
Except that they did by continuing with the ruse that the undercover cop was a 14 year old girl. When traffic officers set speed traps the don't stand on the sidelines yelling 'rev that engine baby, that's it, faster, faster' in order to get you to set the trap off. These undercover cops lead the guy on by carrying on with the idea of being a 14 year old - I don't think he'd do all those things in a first IM / e-mail / PM, so obviously he felt encouraged to carry on.

I do feel that the aim of thse kinds of arrests are good natured, but they seriously need to find a better way to do it.

Oh U 2 heh heh heh

Actually that it a real hoot!

I was strollin' into a store yesterday with the beloved
and caught sight of my handsome self in the glass door
of the store
(being that I live on the surface of the sun,
the glass was treated with reflective film making it
more of a mirror than transparent glass)

I caught site of my diminutive rack and thought
"Mebbe I should lay off of the push ups and bench presses"?

Wait I always thought 'man-boobs' were on fat guys
and with 6% body-fat that ain't me!

BOP as for drivel and the fairer sex heh heh heh

‘scuse me, I got push-ups, crunches and lunges to do…
Winky said:
Well because it wasn't a real 14 year old
no crime was committed!
And in the great state of MO, he'd get away with it. There was a case up by KC that the guy got off because of that very reason. The judge in the case determined that no crime had been committed, because it was not a minor he was talking to.
So a guy wants to hire a hitman, and the cops find out, and the cop pretends to BE a hitman, and the gy hires the cop..no crime?
I'm going to say this one time, and one time only. Then I am done with this discussion.

I am honestly amazed how many people have come to the defense of a grown man attempting to solicit a minor child in any manner over the internet. I also sincerely hope that none of you who have chosen to do so have children of your own. The dangers are real. I see them.

I don't care if he was actually communicating with an undercover cop, a 14 year old girl, the FBI, or a plumber from Des Moines. In this man's mind, he was making advances toward a 14 year old kid. I'll lay 99% odds this wasn't the first time he did it. If you want that protected, go ahead. Just don't come to me when your kid gets approached wanting tougher laws, more online protection, or anything else. He is a menace to society. Had he actually succeeded in what he was caught trying to do, we might be reading about another raped, dismembered kid in a Hefty bag in some swamp. Then your stories would be different. You'd be chiming right in with "Killing's too good for him."

I think we all know what that defines.

Bon voyage.