MLB 2006 trade deadline thread


Well-Known Member
Hey, Braves fans... Atlanta trades minor league catcher Max Ramirez to Cleveland for closer Bob Wickman. Thoughts? Analysis?



New Member
The quasi-dynasty they made over the last 15 years was based pretty much on pitching. They must do everything they can to reclaim effective starting and closing. Lord knows they were never hitters. I knew they were dead meat once Mazzone left.


New Member
Now, now... it takes time... and just a wee bit of talent to work from in the first place. I'd give it a minimum of 3 years to really adjust.


Southern Discomfort
Since when is Lee a pitcher??!!

It's an annual event. It's coming just as sure as Christmas or tax day or any other annual happening. The Texas Rangers will, at some point between June 1 and July 31, break my heart and wipe their muddy boots on the bleeding mass. And every spring I somehow manage to convince myself that this year will be different...that this year the management of the team will realize that it takes at least two decent pitchers to compete...that every game cannot be won 11-9.

*SnP sulks off to a corner to pout until April*


Well-Known Member
Well, I look at it this way... Jon Daniels replaced Mench with someone who plays his position but is less streaky, and Cordero's blown saves and inability to deal with a few boo-birds at home are now Milwaukee's problem... addition by subtraction, if you will. This has to be looked at as more than just whether we got a pitcher in return or not. Or is getting someone like another Todd Van Poppel, Hideki "Fat Toad" Irabu or John Rocker more important than getting a quality player, just because P shows up as their position? In all actuality, if the Rangers had the same pitching as they do right now, but the offense were producing like normal, Texas would probably have 5-10 more wins, which in this division would make for a sizable lead.


Well-Known Member
rrfield said:
What can I expect from Cordero other than blown saves? How is he in middle relief?

Good fastball... he was excellent in 2004, but the league adjusted to him and he didn't reciprocate. Getting away from the boo-birds in Arlington and moving to the NL might benefit him. One major difference between Jon Daniels and his predecessor, John Hart, is that Daniels looks for trades to improve his team, even if it means improving the other team as well, while Hart was always looking to ass-fuck the other guy.

Mench is streakier than a frat boy's underwear. Defense-wise, he's solidly "league average." Nix is good defensively but he couldn't hit a beach ball with a cricket bat.


Southern Discomfort
Mebbe. Then we'd get our hats handed to us against a wild card team who can win a 3-2 game.

Hold the phone...wait just a cotton-pickin....Inky...Inkara...

You're Pete Incaviglia, ain't you?


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should trade for Julio Franco... he's the only one from the Rangers in the early 90s who can still hit.


New Member
It's tough for teams in need of a pitcher right, cause the're isn't all that much available that is worth trading for. Livan Hernandez? Jon Lieber? Tony Armas Jr.? Cory Lidle? Nothing to write home about in that group. The only one that is worth mentioning is Zito, but I can't see them trading him away, unless they get more than a 3 month rental in return.

I have been following available pitchers, as I know the Red Sox need some serious help in the starting pitching department, but honestly, with what is available, I would prefer we risked it now, rather than giving up a good Triple-A player or something.

As long as the Yankess don't get any help, then I am happy.


Well-Known Member
...and I could certainly guarantee that the A's would NOT trade Zito to the Rangers in the middle of a pennant race that involves both the A's and the Rangers.


Well-Known Member
That's about typical of a good performance. The difference in a good performance and a bad performance is about 1/8 of an inch in location on the last pitch... a good performance it's a popout, a bad performance it's the second double of the inning.