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tonks said:believe me, chocolate chips have pleased me more than some men i have known.
Uh oh - ye've had some real bad ones eh?
Why not combine the two?
I'm not big on cookies - gimme some La Bici & I'm a happy camper
tonks said:believe me, chocolate chips have pleased me more than some men i have known.
ugh....soggy cookiestonks said:believe me, chocolate chips have pleased me more than some men i have known.
haha! not quite what i had in mind, stewey.....steweygrrrr said:ugh....soggy cookies
makes for an odd milk mustache.steweygrrrr said:I know....youd get crumbs between the wrong lips
there's no hair on the lips of my face, but i still get a milk mustache there....steweygrrrr said:If theres any hair there that is....
tonks said:there's no hair on the lips of my face, but i still get a milk mustache there....
tonks said:there's no hair on the lips of my face, but i still get a milk mustache there....
AlphaTroll said:Yeah, but would you be the one getting the milk moustache when dunking your cookies in the way steway had in mind?
I think both parties would get a liquid moustache. but it wouldnt be milk......AlphaTroll said:Yeah, but would you be the one getting the milk moustache when dunking your cookies in the way steway had in mind?
Are you double jointed then?
tonks said:ALIBOP! good to see you! you're much too sweet and innocent for this place, be careful....haha.
Justintime said:Leave me and my fat alone! we're good for each other!
Try the steweygrrrr diet now! Lose weight instantly!tonks said:there's no hair on the lips of my face, but i still get a milk mustache there....
Buttcrackdivine said:No you gelatenious blob...
j/k....but all jokes aside it isn't...seems fun now but it catches up fast at your weekest..old age.
The person listening to my explanation of cookie-lovin'tonks said:i'm alittle confused, who actually goes on the diet?