Mommy times 2


New Member
That is right. I am expecting my second child in May 2005. I am 7 weeks and feeling the morning sickness pretty heavily. This is Erik's first child and he is excited. This wasn't planned but we welcome the surprise. He and I decided to get married but not for a while. At least untill I am out of school so I can keep my grant money.

*goes to to settle tummy with some more toast*
I have three...still haven't planned on having any as I don't feel ready.

No sense rushing to marriage Lissa till it's right.
Congratualtions Lissa... :swing: :) :hug:

I found that jacobs unsalted crackers were good for that morning feeling... don't know whether you can get those where you are though... the toast was a tad too heavy on my tum

*CB feels depressed... Lissa has one and an almost children and she's my age... *
BeardofPants said:
*wonders if anyone "plans" on having kids :hmm:

Congrats Lissa! Did the condom fail? :D

Yes... I know couples who have... If you're on the pil or depro you have to make a conscious decision to come off it and try for a baby... many do so and follow medical advice to aid conception.

Its what I plan to do to... quit drinking and the odd recreational *ahem*... up my folic acid intake... eat more healthily at the same time as doing it like rabbits...

Also it would mean I would be in a financial position to really care for my child by deciding when I could afford to shell out 10 grand in the first 3 years!!!!

One of the many reasons that made me think otherwise about bringing a life into this world was my lifestyle before I realised I was pregnant... (lets just say it was a little more heavy than drink and the odd joint) and the implications that may have had on the developing foetus.
Congrats Mommy to Be.... :swing:

Remembers Morning sickness, afternoon sickness, night sickness, middle of the night sickness.....................YUCK... :brush:
Hang in there!
congrats. :D

may i recommend those hard, thick sourdough pretzels (made by hanover) for morning sickness? they work well and i still can't stand the taste of ritz or saltines but i still regularly eat the pretzels. i remember morning sickness very well...least favorite part for me to be sure.

did anyone else ever get mad cravings? i did. pancakes at 3am...sushi at 4am...cheddar cheese and strawberry preserve sandwiches...raw oysters, boudin...i ate alot of whacko stuff.
tonksy said:
did anyone else ever get mad cravings? i did. pancakes at 3am...sushi at 4am...cheddar cheese and strawberry preserve sandwiches...raw oysters, boudin...i ate alot of whacko stuff.
I was Mr. Sub and penny candies (seperately of course) :D

nothin weird at all
BeardofPants said:
*wonders if anyone "plans" on having kids :hmm:

Yes. Very carefully.

"Grats PrincessLissa. I second the motion on the pretzels. They seemd to help the spousal unit on the rare occassions when she had it.

And God, don't even talk about the cravings. Mint Oreo ice cream. I had to make some one night when the store was out of the stuff.
Congrats Princess!!!

I'd like to offer an idea re: morning sickness. This worked fabulously on MrsBish. Lemons!

Some women find that just smelling lemons (cut) lessens the nausea...MrsBish found that it wasn't enough and started eating lemons like they were oranges or something.

She had a sour look on her face for a good chunk of the day, but at least I got to see more of it since she stopped spending so much time hurling her cookies in the bathroom. :D

From MrsBish - avoid crackers! They taste worst on the way up than they did on the way down.
HomeLAN said:
And God, don't even talk about the cravings. Mint Oreo ice cream. I had to make some one night when the store was out of the stuff.
And it was all your damn fault that they were out too, wasn't it?

Congrats Lissa and Erik. Don't tell Gonz but it is possible to have a family without getting married.
congrats lissa!!

two kids is great!

though i'm still up in the air on three ;)

i know where you're at on the grant thing too... my wife and i had two kids and a house together before we tied the knot... she was doing some school too and it made a huge difference in loans/cost