Money - problems associated with it.


Well-Known Member

It can buy a house...But not a home

It can buy a clock...But not time

It can buy you a position...But not respect

It can buy you a bed...But not sleep

It can buy you a book...But not knowledge

It can buy you medicine...But not health

It can buy you blood...But not life

So you see money isn't everything
And it often causes pain and suffering
I tell you this because I am your friend
And as your friend I want to
Take away your pain and suffering!!

So send me all your money And I will suffer for you!

Cash only please
Bish said:
So you see money isn't everything

Akin to, Money can't buy you happiness...if you believe that, you're shopping in the wrong places.
A few years ago, I took an annual pay cut of over $8000 when I changed jobs. I changed jobs for two simple facts that both serve as the same reason: 1, I wanted to move to another part of the state with a job in hand, and 2, if I did not get out of Nashville I would be known soon as "Deranged Gunman Who Opened Fire Inside A Wendy's" on CNN. Yes, it was truly that bad.

I now make approximately $9500 less at this job than I would had I stayed in Nashville at the other job, which was more rewarding, more challenging, and less stressful.

I would not trade the inner peace, contentment, and sense of personal tranquility I have in my life now for ten times that amount of money. Honestly.

It's really cannot buy the most important things in life.
Gonz said:
Akin to, Money can't buy you happiness...if you believe that, you're shopping in the wrong places.

Actually...I'm above thinking that what I own makes me more happy or noble than what I do with what I own.

I don't have a fancy car, or a huge house, or a projectionTV. I don't play with an XboX, go on world-tours, or have series-tickets for my favorite spectator sport... yet, I'm still happy. Take away most of what I've got, but leave me my wife and son...I'll still be happy.

It's why we wish people health & happiness during the holiday seasons instead of wishing them a raise and a 40" TV. :D
MrBishop said:
but leave me my wife and son...I'll still be happy.

women are like rats, they are the first ones to run when the ship sinks ;)
SouthernN'Proud said:
A few years ago, I took an annual pay cut of over $8000 when I changed jobs. I changed jobs for two simple facts that both serve as the same reason: 1, I wanted to move to another part of the state with a job in hand, and 2, if I did not get out of Nashville I would be known soon as "Deranged Gunman Who Opened Fire Inside A Wendy's" on CNN. Yes, it was truly that bad..

I've always wanted to know someone who'd done that.
Prof's known one for years now...just forgot. :D

I left a well-paying sales job to go back to school and become what I really wanted to do with my life...Graphic Design. Doing that BTW...if one hell of a pay-cut, especially until you're 'recognized'.
no money isn't every thing. it can't buy you happiness (for long), it can't buy you respect (more like open ended lease), and it can't improve how you feel about you self....but if i'm already depressed, disrespected, and insecure can't i at least have the fucking money?
MrBishop said:
Prof's known one for years now...just forgot. :D

I left a well-paying sales job to go back to school and become what I really wanted to do with my life...Graphic Design. Doing that BTW...if one hell of a pay-cut, especially until you're 'recognized'.

Isn't that what you do when you go back to school? :shrug: I gave up the dosh as well, and I'm earning HALF of what I used to earn.
Luis G said:
women are like rats, they are the first ones to run when the ship sinks ;)

That's NOT true Luis, My ship sank a LONG time ago, and I've been hanging onto a piece of the ship still with a broken oar in one hand and my boyz in the other!!!! I never abondaned, I just grabbed the most valuable ppl to me and held on for dear life.
Some rats will gnaw at the hull for months on end and get surprised that the boat starts sinking.

Some rats will jump onto a half-sunk Galleon, help bail and patch holes.

I divorced the former and married the latter. :D
Mare said:
That's NOT true Luis, My ship sank a LONG time ago, and I've been hanging onto a piece of the ship still with a broken oar in one hand and my boyz in the other!!!! I never abondaned, I just grabbed the most valuable ppl to me and held on for dear life.

That's what I meant, as soon as the man runs into money problems the wife goes.

Disclaimer: Luis actually knows that the saying is not 100% truth, and knows of many cases to disprove it. But still, a good percentage comply with it.