Monkeys can't type Shakespeare after all


Staff member
There’s an old theory by 19th century scientist Thomas Huxley that states if you let an infinite number of monkeys type on an infinite number of typewriters, they’d eventually come up with a the works of Shakespeare. It’s a great experiment – and now someone has actually carried out a version of it.

Researchers at Plymouth University in England put a computer into the monkey enclosure at a local zoo for one month, and waited to see what would happen. The result? After thirty days, the macaques failed to produce even one legible word. Instead, they seemed fixated on the letter ‘s’, eventually producing five pages consisting mostly of that member of the alphabet, but also including the occasional A, J, L and M.

But far from language, the monkeys seemed to treat the computer as hostile. “At first, the lead male got a stone and started bashing the hell out of it,” recalls researcher Mike Phillips. “Another thing they were interested in was in defecating and urinating all over the keyboard.” (Which makes you wonder if they were running an operating system using Windows.) But the experiment wasn’t a complete dud. “They were quite interested in the screen, and they saw that when they typed a letter, something happened,” Phillips reflects. “There was a level of intention there.”

I wondered when someone would get around to trying that one out. :lloyd:
Apparently they should have used one of those computer keyboard slipcases. Nothing is harder to get off of a keyboard than macaque poo. Thats one mistake I'll never make again...
They did this a few years ago and all the only legible thing the monkeys typed was "chumbawumba".

Leslie's Article said:
At first, the lead male got a stone and started bashing the hell out of it,”
I think this monkey might have consulted fury for tech support. :D
he must have been running winme, a few hours running that and i was all in favour of the rock-fix too
Q said:
I think this monkey might have consulted fury for tech support.
I wouldn't have been THAT primitive. I would've at least had the decency to either throw the whole machine at a wall, or take a nice long torque wrench or sledgehammer to it.:beerbang:
fury said:
I wouldn't have been THAT primitive. I would've at least had the decency to either throw the whole machine at a wall, or take a nice long torque wrench or sledgehammer to it.
I like to call that the baseball bat solution. Everyone should use the tools they are most comfortable with, though.:D
Torque wrenches are expensive and not meant for that kind of impact. Use a hammer or an intake manifold from a Ford 390 V8. :D
Inkara1 said:
intake manifold from a Ford 390 V8.
Now why'd you want to ruin a good engine like that?

Place squeezeable "Cheeze-whiz' into it's floppy every time, and don't ask me how I know this...I 'just know' is all.

Yes, the 390 is a good engine... but you can save something like 60 pounds by replacing the cast iron intake manifold with an aluminum one.
Leslie said:
Monkeys can't type Shakespeare after all

If they were able to count the mokeys the experiment didn't go as proposed so it wasn't a failure. ;)

MrBishop said:
Now why'd you want to ruin a good engine like that?

Ruin it? Hell you can't kill that engine with a nuke. :headbang: