

Staff member
Well, today is the the that I am off :)

I will talk to you all on Saturday night (short of any Montreal folk who feel so inclined to contact me and meet for a beverage or two or three :D)
I was in Montreal from Thursday night til this morning...I stayed at the Chateau Royal
Inkara1 said:
Fat lot of good that info does them now! :p

Well, some of the Montrealers knew...if he wanted to know bad enough he coulda asked around :p

And Spot, the hotel staff were kinda rude (we think it was cause of our age) and it was kinda run down but we had a BLAST :brush:
Nixy said:
I was in Montreal from Thursday night til this morning...I stayed at the Chateau Royal


I'm sorry.
Professur said:

I'm sorry.

Umh Nicole... I used to be the Rooms Division Manager at the Chateau Royal on Cresent street, up until about 4 years ago. I still know some of the staff there and probably could've gotten you both a better rate and better service. :shrug:

The hotel's changed ownership since then...which is why I left, so I can't say much for the quality of the rooms anymore.
As for the rudeness... I guess that after years of bad March Break incidents... lets just say that the staff is 'leery' of young guests staying in the hotel.

I still remember the chair that came off the 16th floor balcony onto the sidewalk below, barely missing the Porche parked there, and driving a 8" piece of chair-leg into the side near the tire. :D

So...the rooms weren't doing so well, eh? :rofl:
The paint job was SHIT and...I thought hotels had to be renovated every 3 years...if the inside of the hotel was less than three years old then they should be collecting some serious damage pay and if they are they should be USING it!

The first night there was a bag of GARBAGE in the hall on the 8th floor where we were staying...and it was there ALL night. The next day it was replaced by a FUGLY big black industrial trash can...

Oh, and if they don't want young adults staying there they shouldn't make a deal with the bridge building competition to offer "discounted" rooms (they were slightly cheaper than usual but we coulda stayed at a days inn or something for WAY cheaper still)...
Oh, not to mention I guess sometime before we got there someone broke a case of beer on the sidewalk infront...and then I assume they put snow on it to soak it up...cause when we got there there was a HUGE pile of slush on the sidewalk...when I slipped and fell in it is when I found out that it contained beer...DAMN did I stink...pissed me right off! Then we went out and they had only reserved ONE room for us and we were suppose to be paying $125 a night for 4 people in a one bedroom and he charged up $145 for 4 people in a junior...he wouldn't even give us the same deal...even though we had one room already and a big old pile of wood and such so we were OBVIOUSLY with the bridge building! So, needless to sya that started out stay on the WRONG foot and the guy whose credit card it was on plans to write a letter of distaste.

Oh, and another thing...that night I asked the guy there (some other man with messy grey-ish hair) if I could have a parcel dropped off at the front desk for me the next day while I was out and he said NO! I mean...SERIOUSLY, what kinda service is THAT? The next mornign I asked the nice oriental man who was working and he said yes and took me name...but I mean..SERIOUSLY!
I guessed that this kinda shit would happen when I heard that the place was changing of the main reasons why I left.

New owners tend to turf all management when they take my job was on the edge anyway. I didn't believe them when they said that they'd be retaining all staff... I heard that they turfed all managment, all middle-managment and 1/2 the front desk on day #3. I didn't believe them when they said that they'd be injecting $3million in renovations either... looks like I'm two for two right there.

Am I surprised that the staff that 'they' hired is rude? Nope...I didn't train them, and I didn't supervise them. I hope that your friend's complaint letter gets through to whoever is the GM there. Might I suggest sending a copy to the Owners and whoever is in charge of Sales too. Makes a stronger impact. cc the Front Desk Manager too.