More AMD Semprons unlocked for 64-bits


Well-Known Member
SOURCES SAID AMD has enabled more Semprons to run 64-bit software.
Already, said the sources, the revision D0 which is supplied as a processor in a box (PIB) package comes with 64-bits switched on, rather than just Mr Palermo, Revision E.

The ability for AMD to supply these additional 64-bit Sempr0ns suggests that 64-bit capabilities were always there in the pesky little blighters, and someone has just thrown the switch to turn the things on.

Only the absurdly cynical would suggest that AMD is making price hikes on Semprons of between six to 13 per cent, as reported here, is anything to do with AMD turning on a 64-bit switch. It is obviously sheer coincidence. AMD Board reports that Sempr0ns affected include the 2600+, the 2800+, the 3000+ and the 3100+, claiming to have seen AMD documents.

No doubt AMD has taken the decision to turn on the switch in order not to be outflanked by Intel and its 64-bit Celerons and the like.

But there's a bit of a conundrum for buyers. Some CPUs may not be marked as 64-bit compatible but may actually work in this mode. BIOSes on CPUs will recognise 64-bit Sempr0ns when they see them.

The models that AMD has enabled are the Sempr0n 3300+, the 3100+, the 3000+, the 2800+ and the 2600+ in their D revisions. You will be able to tell the difference between 32-bit Sempr0ns and 64-bit Sempr0ns because each will have two PIB numbers. 64-bit Sempr0ns Revision D will have limited availability, but the PIBs should have a proper AMD64 sticker on them. All Rev E PIBs are 64-bit.

According to documents seen by the INQ, CPUs in the 64-bit enabled boxes have been fused to be 64-bit ready. Why didn't AMD do this right from the start? It's obviously marchitecture, pure and simple, although if the firm cares to clarify we'll add that bit in. µ

So the trick is to buy an old Sempron at the lower price and flick the switch yourself?
