More from the looney left...

He has a right to be anti Bush all he wants. He does NOT have the right to deface the cars he did
Oh, but it's NOT just the left. I know some on the right that way too.
It's becoming the American way ....
the "it's not my fault somehow" "someone, or something made me this way" defense.
highwayman said:
It'll fly under "temperary insanity"....

They should have a plea of "Temporary Stupidity". It won't get you any less time, but at least people will know who they're dealing with...:D
I'll admit to not letting drivers with Kerry/Edwards stickers merge onto the interstate - or make any other vehicular movement that I can prevent. After all, I'm just a mean-spirited neocon regardless of what I do to help a liberal.

damage by defacing cars with pro-Bush bumper stickers

Liberals can't find a unified message for their party, so out of frustration they pull stupid revenge stunts like this. Hope it made him feel better because it cost him his military career.

By the way, I hear up in NY, both Dems and Repubs are proudly displaying their "Run Hillary Run" bumper stickers..... Dems' are on the back of their Volvos and Prius . . . and the Republicans put theirs on the front bumpers of their SUV's . . .[/rimshot)

Here's a sKerry flashback:
