More predicability


molṑn labé
Staff member
Get over it.

In the latest skirmish over Christmas in America, a Christian group is not allowed to participate in Denver's annual Parade of Lights, because church members sought to sing yuletide hymns and proclaim a "Merry Christmas" message on their float.

However, the event, now in its 30th year, will include homosexual American Indians, Kung Fu artisans, belly dancers and, of course, Santa Claus.
Nope only "homosexual American Indians, Kung Fu artisans, belly dancers and, of course, Santa Claus" have a say, those EVIL oppressor Christians have gotta Go!
then it isnt equal. I wont say Christians havent had a say when they have had quite a bit of power in the past, it still is not equal if they cannot voice their opinions. And yet these groups call for equality
"equality" that's the issue trying to make infinitesimal minorities equal! bah

facts are facts and nothing is ever “equal”.

I wish they’d replace it with the term ‘fairness’ (definition number 6)
now that is a concept I could get behind.
Here's a more detailed account of the story.

Holiday Diversity

A December parade in Denver will feature everyone from Chinese lion dancers to gay and lesbian shamans, according to the Rocky Mountain News, but not Christians who want to sing yuletide hymns or carry a Merry Christmas message.

Denver pastor George Morrison said his request to enter a float in the annual Parade of Lights, which apparently only coincidentally happens in late December, were rejected because parade officials wont allow any “direct religious themes.”

"It's a little confusing to me," said the pastor, George Morrison. "Here we have this holiday, Christmas, approaching, and Parade of Lights is suddenly changed into something where you can't even sing a Christmas song?"

The one-hour parade features elaborate floats with holiday symbols such as Santa Claus and gingerbread houses, plus an "international procession" of cultural groups.

The international portion this year features the Two Spirit Society, which honors gay and lesbian American Indians as holy people; a German folk dance group; and performers of the Lion Dance, a Chinese New Year tradition "meant to chase away evil spirits and welcome good luck and good fortune for the year."

Those groups are considered examples of ethnic diversity, not religious groups, a parade official said.


As I said in another thread, equal of course does not mean equal; it really means we get our say and then decide if you get yours.
Yep, no one wants equal treatment, they want preferential treatmant and fuck everyone else. There will be a backlash one day, I just hope when it comes I don't get stoned for being an atheist.
chcr said:
Yep, no one wants equal treatment, they want preferential treatmant and fuck everyone else. There will be a backlash one day, I just hope when it comes I don't get stoned for being an atheist.

Being an atheist gets you stoned? They give out free drugs for that, now? :lol2:
SouthernN'Proud said:
Here's a more detailed account of the story.

Holiday Diversity

A December parade in Denver will feature everyone from Chinese lion dancers to gay and lesbian shamans, according to the Rocky Mountain News, but not Christians who want to sing yuletide hymns or carry a Merry Christmas message.

Denver pastor George Morrison said his request to enter a float in the annual Parade of Lights, which apparently only coincidentally happens in late December, were rejected because parade officials wont allow any “direct religious themes.”

"It's a little confusing to me," said the pastor, George Morrison. "Here we have this holiday, Christmas, approaching, and Parade of Lights is suddenly changed into something where you can't even sing a Christmas song?"

The one-hour parade features elaborate floats with holiday symbols such as Santa Claus and gingerbread houses, plus an "international procession" of cultural groups.

The international portion this year features the Two Spirit Society, which honors gay and lesbian American Indians as holy people; a German folk dance group; and performers of the Lion Dance, a Chinese New Year tradition "meant to chase away evil spirits and welcome good luck and good fortune for the year."

Those groups are considered examples of ethnic diversity, not religious groups, a parade official said.


As I said in another thread, equal of course does not mean equal; it really means we get our say and then decide if you get yours.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Gato_Solo again.
Nice use of the 'horse'

Christmas isn't a holy-day's a commercialized day off!
Everybody knows what Christmas truly represents. Its the day in history when Santa rose from the dead after being crucified ... or helped KISS defeat the phantom of the park. I have it on a tape around here somewhere... so it has to be true.
chcr said:
There will be a backlash one day,

It may have already started. Back in early November. Doubt it though.

Between not allowing Merry Christmas in a (not called) Christmas parade & allowing illegals free room & board at the Hilton, with a free rent-a-car upgrade voucher & all the other twisted nonsense coming from the courts, we're being torn apart from the inside.
unclehobart said:
... or helped KISS defeat the phantom of the park. I have it on a tape around here somewhere... so it has to be true.

So you were the one that actually bought it. Cool. :lol:
chcr said:
Yep, no one wants equal treatment, they want preferential treatmant and fuck everyone else. There will be a backlash one day, I just hope when it comes I don't get stoned for being an atheist.

keep hoping.
that would usually work better but Hope can give a sense of optimism even if it is just bullshit.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Hey, I have my copy too!

KISS Army - we're everywhere, and someday when y'all ain't lookin', we're gonna take over! :beardbng:

Which raises the question of whether you could do a worse job than has been done in general in the last thirty years or so. :D