More stupidty on the PC front


molṑn labé
Staff member
Another example of where it ends up when the left has their way.

Dutch police say they have booked five men for whistling at women in a new crackdown on sexual harassment in Rotterdam railway station.

Men caught whistling at women in or around the station face a fine of nearly £30 if they are caught, reports De Telegraaf.
That's the mating call of the American Biker in the wild. Sorry, no beaded necklaces. :lol:
absolutely ridiculous.......can you imagine? i wonder who is complaining about the whistling? the women being whistled at or the women not being whistled at? i persionally enjoy being whistled at....i think most women do....whistling is not an's a compliment.
tonks said:
absolutely ridiculous.......can you imagine? i wonder who is complaining about the whistling? the women being whistled at or the women not being whistled at? i persionally enjoy being whistled at....i think most women do....whistling is not an's a compliment.

I hate it. I find it degrading and demeaning. :mad:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I hate it. I find it degrading and demeaning. :mad:

I agree. Never did it. It is not a punishable offense though. We're going to criminalize bad taste/behavior?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Would be nice. j/k

What I'd like is to amputate at the wrist anyone caught littering! :D

You can try moving to Singapore. They have some of the strictest littering laws in the world. :eek6:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I hate it. I find it degrading and demeaning. :mad:

Yes, totally agreed. Plus, it can be seen to be threatening as well. There's been more than one occasion where I have not only felt uncomfortable, but I've also felt scared. Why should men go unpunished for these crude acts? If you're going to act like a brainless babboon, expect repurcussions. I know, I know, where's the supposed harm in whistling - well, I can tell you, it's not an enjoyable experience, usually because the whistling comes from a group of men, towards a lone woman - and you've just got to be so damned careful these days, so it can be quite a terrifying experience! You're always thinking about rape, and stuff like that.... It's a horrible experience. If someone wants to convey to me that they think I'm attractive, whistling ain't the way to do it - I'd be more likely to swing a brick at them, than feel quietly chuffed.
BoP said:
Why should men go unpunished for these crude acts?

Because that's all they are, crude acts. If you want to punish them, flash 'em & reply "too bad, these aren't for you." or give 'em the bird.
I have never done that, I never will, in fact I have hit friends who have done it, I find it incredibley rude, and coarse.

It makes woman either

a) angry
b) scared

If you like how a woamn looks, when she is walking by you. smile at her, cause it's not the place to pick up women.

don't whistle, don't point her out loudly to your friends, don't make crude remarks.

It's not me being PC, it's me having respect, and manners.
it may be base. i may be crude but in a way it is still a compliment....but if it bothers you tell them off...not so hard....but then again i was stationed on a ship with about 5 men to every woman...i guess i got used to it.
paul_valaru said:
don't whistle, don't point her out loudly to your friends, don't make crude remarks.

It's not me being PC, it's me having respect, and manners.

EXACTLY! I'm not going to stop and respond to the assholes that are whistling.

It's not my responsiblity to teach them how to behave. I don't have the time or inclination. Furthermore, whatever I said might just antagonize them further and could possibly take an unpleasant situation and escalate it to one that is dangerous. Lastly, there were instances where I didn't feel safe, and was only interested in getting as far away from the gang of shitheads as possible.

I enjoy receiving compliments from friends and lovers. When a stranger whistles, it is NOT a compliment. It intimidates and objectifies.
My mom taught me one thing well, it was respect of others.

Imagine you, a guy walking down some street, and having 5 GUYS whistling at you, and grabbing there crotches, I know I would run

backwards probably

guys who whistle are jerks, plain and simple, and there is no excuse for them
this one's better'n a fine...I was walking to the bank yesterday and I hear a car slow down behind me so I look to find that the driver has slowed down and is lookin at my ass... he proceeds to drive right into a snowbank and gets stuck hahahaaaHA! I just kept on awalkin' *points and laughs*
Leslie said:
this one's better'n a fine...I was walking to the bank yesterday and I hear a car slow down behind me so I look to find that the driver has slowed down and is lookin at my ass... he proceeds to drive right into a snowbank and gets stuck hahahaaaHA! I just kept on awalkin' *points and laughs*

ahh, I love instant karma