More things the American press won't tell you


Well-Known Member
As the article states, he couldn't have prevented the attacks at any American school because he would have to leave his firearm off campus so everyone would be "safe".

The article is contradicted by reports in the first person by Dadon in which he states:

"Yitzhak Dadon said he climbed onto the roof of a nearby building, armed with a rifle, and waited for the gunman to emerge.

"He came out of the library spraying automatic fire ... the terrorist came to the entrance and I shot him twice in the head," he said."

Other sources repeat this as well.

It does nothing to denigrate or diminish what he did. He is, and will remain, a hero.



BELLEVUE, WA – An armed student at Jerusalem’s Mercaz Haray seminary played a crucial role in stopping a gun-wielding terrorist Thursday, but the American press is downplaying his heroism because it proves that armed students can stop campus gunmen, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Yitzhak Dadon, 40, was described as “a private citizen who had a gun license and was able to shoot the gunman with his pistol” by reporter Etgar Lefkovitz with the Jerusalem Post. However, many news agencies in the United States are downplaying Dadon’s decisive role in the incident.

“Yitzhak Dadon is a hero,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “and he is living proof that armed students have a place on college campuses. Thankfully, his quick action was reported by the international press, including Mr. Lefkovitz, so unlike incidents here in the United States where the press was able to completely ignore the actions of armed students or teachers, the truth about this incident will not be suppressed.

“Mr. Dadon is not going to become a victim of this conspiracy of silence,” Gottlieb continued. “Elitist American college administrators, the national press, nor anti-gun politicians can sweep this incident under their rug.”

Internationally published reports say Dadon studies at the yeshiva, and had his pistol when the shooting erupted. When the gunman emerged from a library, Dadon reportedly shot him twice in the head. The gunman was subsequently shot by the off-duty soldier.

“Yitzhak Dadon’s apparently well-placed bullets interrupted a rampage,” Gottlieb said. “What a pity that someone like Mr. Dadon was not in class last April at Virginia Tech. What a tragedy that anti-gun extremism would keep him from attending class at Northern Illinois University. He would never be allowed to teach at Columbine High School, hold a job at Trolley Square in Salt Lake City, or go shopping at Omaha’s Westroads Mall.

“America’s acquiescence to anti-gun hysteria has led to one tragedy after another,” Gottlieb stated. “This disastrous policy has given us nothing but broken hearts and body counts, and it’s got to end. The heroism of an armed Israeli seminary student halfway across the world sends a message that we needn’t submit to murder in victim disarmament zones. That’s why his actions are getting such short shrift from America’s press. It’s a story they are loathe to report because it affirms a philosophy of self-reliance that they despise.”

What most sheep fail to realize is that criminals don't follow the law...thats why they are criminals.
Times Online is American press right?

Witnesses described terrifying scenes during the shooting, with students jumping out the windows of the building to escape. It was at this point that one of the students, Yitzhak Dadon, took aim. “I lay on the roof of the study hall, cocked my gun and waited for him. He came out of the library spraying automatic fire,” said Mr Dadon, an army reservist.

“He came to the entrance and I shot him twice in the head,” he said. A soldier then killed the gunman with a rifle, Mr Dadon added.

Shit San Jose is in America too.

Only one gunman appeared to be involved, and he was killed at the scene by a part-time student and security officers.

Yitzhak Dadon, a part-time student, told Israeli radio that the gunman "came out of the library spraying" gunfire. "The terrorist came to the entrance, and I shot him twice in the head," Dadon said.

Rosenfeld of the police said, however, that the gunman, who has not yet been identified, was killed by an army officer who was passing by and two undercover policemen who were in the area. The gunman had a pistol and a Kalashnikov rifle and managed to change clips at least once, Rosenfeld said.

Philly is in America

Try Google.
Here's something else you don't see...and won't during an election year.

List of Thwarted Terror Attacks Since Sept. 11

• December 2001, Richard Reid: British citizen attempted to ignite shoe bomb on flight from Paris to Miami.

• May 2002, Jose Padilla: American citizen accused of seeking "dirty bomb," convicted of conspiracy.

• September 2002, Lackawanna Six: American citizens of Yemeni origin convicted of supporting Al Qaeda. Five of six were from Lackawanna, N.Y.

• May 2003, Iyman Faris: American citizen charged with trying to topple the Brooklyn Bridge.

• June 2003, Virginia Jihad Network: Eleven men from Alexandria, Va., trained for jihad against American soldiers, convicted of violating the Neutrality Act, conspiracy.

• August 2004, Dhiren Barot: Indian-born leader of terror cell plotted bombings on financial centers (see additional images).

More on the link...
:rofl3: :laugh:

People don't realize criminals break laws?

Politicians pretend they don't realize that. Anti-firearms laws prove that. Disarm the law abiding, while claiming to disarm the criminal, knowing full well what you are saying is a lie. If it sounds good, politicians will glom onto it like feathers on tar. Unfortunately, the tar and feathers should be on them.
Politicians pretend they don't realize that. Anti-firearms laws prove that. Disarm the law abiding, while claiming to disarm the criminal, knowing full well what you are saying is a lie.

You're not making any sense. Who's disarming the law abiding while claiming otherwise?

The article is contradicted by reports in the first person by Dadon in which he states:

Where si this contradiction?

the American press won't tell you

What made you think the American press wouldn't tell us something?
Here's something else you don't see...and won't during an election year.

More on the link...

dude more than half of that shit is speculative at best. and many of those they caught were amateur boneheads who had little chance of success. and, oh, yeah, i've heard ALL of THEM before, so this isn't something that's being "suppressed" by the press.

maybe you can catch the greatest hits album, and the reunion tour in japan?
Politicians pretend they don't realize that. Anti-firearms laws prove that.

no, dude, that doesn't prove shit. it suggests that they have a different opinion on how to prevent certain forms of violence, or perhaps some interesting sources of campaign funding. now, maybe if i had watched, and tossed off to, red dawn as many times as you obviously have, maybe i would be kneejerking, too.

your arguments would be much more interesting if you didn't sound so ideologically blind and rabid.
no, dude, that doesn't prove shit. it suggests that they have a different opinion on how to prevent certain forms of violence,

In the last ten many UNARMED schools have been shot up? Compare that to gun dealers.

Certainly a strong argument.
In the last ten many UNARMED schools have been shot up? Compare that to gun dealers.

Certainly a strong argument.

yeah that's a brilliant one, too.

let us now arm the schools. from K-12. we'll start off the Ks with .22lr pen guns, and when they get a couple years older, we'll start 'em off with some "girl" calibers like .25, .32, and .380. by the time they get to be high school juniors, they'll be shooting tightly controlled three round bursts with M14s. of course they'll be required to carry those weapons at all times. on three-point slings. loaded. there will be snipers shooting .50 BMG on every rooftop. they'll be the honor students.

this whole thread is truly ridiculous.
Alright...add in the number of office/manufacturing p[laces that have been shot up...I'd bet if you looked you could find crap like this at nearly every one


How many dictators are running countries that have legal & free arm sales?

It takes strength to stop violence.
yes gonz, this is just like pre WWII germany, and the nazis are grabbing eveyone's guns. woe is us. here comes armageddon. yawn.

if the NRA and their ilk did not banter about like such idiots on the verge of the next world, half the motivation for the gun nannies would go out the window. it takes two (sets of) morons to tango.
dude more than half of that shit is speculative at best. and many of those they caught were amateur boneheads who had little chance of success. and, oh, yeah, i've heard ALL of THEM before, so this isn't something that's being "suppressed" by the press.

maybe you can catch the greatest hits album, and the reunion tour in japan?

Where did I say it was suppressed? I thought this was on things the press doesn't report with the fanfare of a failure...Page six does not have the impact of pages one, or two. doesn't matter if you, personally, have heard of all of them. There are quite a few people who haven't. Maybe you should buy the album. ;)
You're not making any sense. Who's disarming the law abiding while claiming otherwise?

Anti firearms politicians. They make the laws, ya know.

Where si this contradiction?

The article says Dadon used a pistol, Dadon says he used a rifle.

What made you think the American press wouldn't tell us something?

The press is selective on what they tell us. We have to go to the foreign press to get most stories the American press supresses or censors.

Look at the Pearl, MS high school shooting. Of over 600 stories on the shooting only a handfull stated that the vice principal, Joel Myrick, used a firearm to capture Luke Woodham. Some even said that Myrick talked Woodham into surrendering. In reality, Myrick held Woodham at gunpoint for five minutes until the locals arrived.

The same thing happened at the Appalachian School of Law. Of hundreds of stories on the shooting only a handful mentioned that two of the school's students held the perp at gunpoint forcing him to surrender.

The same thing happened in the shooting in PA where a private citizen grabbed his shotgun and arrested the shooter forcing him to drop his weapon.

The American press only tells us what they want us to know and no more.

Some day they will gore your ox and you will then begin to understand.
yeah that's a brilliant one, too.

let us now arm the schools. from K-12. we'll start off the Ks with .22lr pen guns, and when they get a couple years older, we'll start 'em off with some "girl" calibers like .25, .32, and .380. by the time they get to be high school juniors, they'll be shooting tightly controlled three round bursts with M14s. of course they'll be required to carry those weapons at all times. on three-point slings. loaded. there will be snipers shooting .50 BMG on every rooftop. they'll be the honor students.

this whole thread is truly ridiculous.

I know! Let's simply leave the status quo and "Tsk, tsk" as shooting after shooting occurs in the victim disarmament zones. Wouldn't want the criminals getting hurt now would we if they actually had to try to ply their trade in areas where they actually might get hurt. What would OSHA think of that?
Anti firearms politicians. They make the laws, ya know.

Find me an example of one who disarmed the law-abiding while claiming to disarm the criminal.

The article says Dadon used a pistol, Dadon says he used a rifle.

ZOMG, that's a conspiracy if I ever heard one.

The press is selective on what they tell us. We have to go to the foreign press to get most stories the American press supresses or censors.

In this case that appears to have been a figment of your imagination. Probably not the first time.

Some day they will gore your ox and you will then begin to understand.

Screw that ox. What's it going to take for you to start thinking clearly?
yes gonz, this is just like pre WWII germany, and the nazis are grabbing eveyone's guns. woe is us. here comes armageddon. yawn.

if the NRA and their ilk did not banter about like such idiots on the verge of the next world, half the motivation for the gun nannies would go out the window. it takes two (sets of) morons to tango.

So the NRA and their "ilk" should simply shut up and give the stage to the anti firearms zealots unopposed, and the entire argument will simply go away after all the firearms are confiscated. Brilliant!