Mornin Ris!

ahahaha still groggy, 15" monitor and no glasses - can't see straight 551. got a little ways to go - not much though!
i got a new (not really, just now trying it out though) coolermaster cpu heatsink that i might use in systems i build, only 11 quid each, givin it a test on a rig i got in my room

that would seem to be more foretelling, normal operating conditions on for a few hours, look at it then. Wouldn't buy a car on a 5 minute test drive lol
ususally a cpu on air cooling would top out the sink after about 15-20mins, if its in the 49-50C range after
30 mins i might be sold :D
almost there- what's it at?

I have some insistant trojan guy/thing trying to hit me every 5 minutes or so since day before yesterday- Norton keeps popping out telling me and I've almost constantly got this FRICKIN flashing red exclamation point in my taskbar. AARGH! give it UP already!!!
I registered, but just lurk. questions go to hwc. they seem pretty well informed over there, more software stuff. funny the housen/ot stuff
this is weird. where are all the uk'ers? the people here are sleeping in on Sunday likely but ???