Mother****** snakes on a mother****** plane!"


New Member
Might have to go see this one yet.

"it's certainly a prime slice of cheese-o-rama cinema, chock-full of gratuitous gore and nudity... This is truly filmmaking as seen through a fun-house mirror."

"Being as susceptible to over-the-top gratuitous absurdity as the next person, I had as good a time watching the movie as I did listening to the shrieking and hooting from the audience -- both to join in the fun and keep fears at bay."

"There is much screaming and hissing and biting and ... oh, it's marvelously stupid. And exciting. And just plain fun."

"Truly, this is the greatest movie about snakes on a plane ever made so far! "
I'd watch....check that....I'd repeatedly, I'd play the title role in the abraham lincoln is fantastic movie before I'll watch a commercial for this crap.

I hates me some snakes.
Tonks, you never managed to get the girls to the 4D theater at the Mountain, did you? You really, really want to do that. Really.