mouth full of gauze


Well-Known Member
just got back from the dentist. had to have a molar pulled. talk about major league suckage. the tooth broke at the gum line. no greater feeling in the world than those tooth pliers slipping and jaming into your gums, even with the novocaine. took the dentist about 25 minutes ( i think. it felt like an hour or two) to get it out. granted that included a 10 minute time out for me so i could start breathing again and get my pulse down to a normal level. now i have a mouth full of gauze and a face full of novocaine.
today sucks.
Join the tooth-pain fun club!!

'twixt my wife and I, we're starting our own club.

I'm awaiting for my 2nd appointment. The first one, they worked on my lower-left, fun...but since then, I've developed an absess (sp?) on my lower-right side. It's right around where my wisdom tooth is...the gum-line is partially above the tooth itself, and I bite it occasionally. WHen I's either straight pain, or pain followed by more pain. I'll get the f@#$%^ pulled within a week.

My wife has discovered a ... get this ... 5th wisdom tooth. She'd had her 4 pulled abot 12 years ago, and on her last visit, the Dentist discovered why she was getting headaches... she's got a fifth wisdom tooth. I'm told that it's not all that uncomman, though it's the first that I've ever heard about. She's getting it pulled sometimes soon!
Geez :( Teeth are deffo a design fault in the human bod :eh:

I've got a wisdom tooth that is happily crumbling away........but I'm ignoring the bugger......can't be having with dentists at the mo' .....
I only had one itty bitty wisdom tooth with a single short stumpy root.

Contrary to popular opinion, The dentist said my mouth is just too small for any more :D

The itty bitty one got pulled without a problem.
poor dave :(
i just had a molar pulled myself but it went well...still not a pleasant experience to say the least. hope you heal up soon.
thanks tonks

bish, i'm feeling your pain. literally.
i went through 3 root canals with nothing worse than some anxiety over the sound of the drill. didnt even need to take tylenol. this one is throbbing through the novacaine. should be lots o' fun in a few more hours.
i could never be an undercover operative. all the enemy would have to do is pull out a dentist drill and i'd tell them everything.