Move along, nothing to see here

how did i know this story would find a place in your heart when i saw it earlier today?

this is what happens when you mix the culture of poverty with the worst of southern culture, and by the latter i mean vapidity and insecurity masquerading as "pride," accompanied by moronic violence.
When I watched them niggas assaulting people for no good reason
I wished someone carrying concealed could have executed them on the spot.

That jigga that bashed the white woman needs to die!

Well Addlespurger did deserve to die because he was a Liberal
and didn't realize what he was facing, (niggers)
the world is better off with that type of stupidity.
I have lived past the half century mark without having to be around monkeys
and I plan on keeping it that way
looks like you dit-unt do too good on the beaner avoidance algorithm. here we gots some asians but they are no more than amusing.

get off my lawn?
I'm not kiddin' buddy it is as easy as pie not have to rub up against the mud people.