Move over Tupperware.

The party was fun. A little smaller due to the weather but the mood was good.
I am not sure of the actual take but I know I ended up saving $100.50 off my order due to my hostess discount and the 10% of the sales off my I'd say she sold about $400 worth to the other ladies.
You SAVED $100? How much did you spend?

What I did was submit a wish list to my friend. If I had a decent amount of folks spending a decent amount of money my discount would go up. My wish list totaled $269.00 before I spent (read Rob spent) $169.00 plus tax.
That being said I got one item that regularly retails for $120 dollars so all in all it was a bargain.
I wonder if Caity would be interested in hosting one of these parties oncce we finally get moved to Grand Junction... :D
She should! I actually had a ton of fun...and then there is the ton of fun I get to have with the stuff I bought at the party I had a ton of fun at. It's a win-win situation.
No house has been bought yet and no job has been applied for yet, but otherwise, we're both working up toward it.
Honest answer please. Do you really think you know this girl well enough to move her away from any and all support structure she's ever known?