MP3 to .wav?

OK. You have a number of plug-ins back there where the speakers jack into the box. Both the green and the black female plugs will work for speakers. Whichever jack they're in, yank it and plug it into the other.
I blame Winamp. Its always had it in for me. It must've recognized my presence and tried to wreak old revenge upon me. Winamp and I go back all huggy-kissy like Cain and Abel.
I'd like to note that I stood shoulder to shoulder with him, and my digital camera survived. Buy Kodak
The curse only works with things that I have personally purchased. Your articles are safe. The curse only works for moi.
of course, you could always start with turning the volume control up. The "pop" means they're on, not that they're at a decent volume. (the Windoze volume control, not the speakers volume control...although that helps too)
Gonz said:
of course, you could always start with turning the volume control up. The "pop" means they're on, not that they're at a decent volume. (the Windoze volume control, not the speakers volume control...although that helps too)
Turn the volume up? You mean it has a down? Steve was right, it was the jack.
He used to live the Rock'n'Roll lifestyle. His answer to EVERYTHING is to turn up the volume. :D
Inkara1 said:
He used to live the Rock'n'Roll lifestyle. His answer to EVERYTHING is to turn up the volume. :D
I'm in denial that I no longer live it so the volume is still up.