mp3s in linux


Well-Known Member
What do you Linux users use to play mp3s? I need a player with shoutcast capabilities, perferrably one that is text based (command line) so I can remotely control what is playing. :)
i use xmms, no idea about a remote text based proggie thou.
amp: amp (Audio Mpeg Player) is a command-line MPEG audio decoder (MP3
amp: player). It works with both MPEG1 and MPEG2 audio streams (except for
amp: the multichannel extensions defined in MPEG2), layers 2 and 3.
this is what slackware has for text based, i don't know anything about it though, nor have i ever even installed it. i always use xmms, mplayer might do it too though
If you want to go crazy you can use mpg123 (or mpg321, depending on the distro). That's the type of thing you want to use if you're busy recompiling X from a virtual terminal though...