MS - Multiple Sclerosis

Last I heard was that McGill had a line of research that looked like a working cure. That was last year sometime. Spring 2004, I think.
I truely pray everyday that they could find cures for some of these diseases!
It would only take for them to find a cure for one nervous system disease, and then they could find a cure for them all. (Huntington's, Parkinson's, etc....) I thank God for the ppl who let them do research on the one's that have the diseases, because it helps us get one step closer to the hereditary part of them, that have that 50/50 chance of getting it. (my children )
My dad was diagnosed with MS about 6 years ago. Fortunately, it was early stage and he was able to recover mostly with only a brief round of steroids and annual maintenence steroid therapy. It still gives him problems from time to time, but he is able to do most things he wants and more than the typical 64 year old man would dream of.

I'll ask my mother of she has any MS info saved on her computer or if they know of any good sites for info.
MrBishop said:
Thanks...Fuzzy'll appreciate it.

It's a bit short but I'll dig a bit more on it. I'm looking for some seriously indepth look-see, ya know?

Well, shit, you work 10 minutes from the campus. Phone them.