Multiplication Table


New Member
Does any kid learn the multiplication table these days? I notice the kids around here using calculators for basic math problems that they should be able to do in their heads. :nono:
I some how squeezed through school without ever having to learn the multiplication tables higher than like 5. I just always ended up with teachers who didn't really care even though all my friends had to learn them. As I progresses through school though I gradually learned them just because I use them so much.
Yeah, in the UK they have to use tables at a young age (and memorise them... ahh the hours spent learning 'em!). Calculators are welcome as an aid only until later on. Then you HAVE to use them. Although some of the A-Level Maths I did (17-18years old) had to be done without the aid of a calculator. Good idea. :)

In engineering, there are occasionally exams given where calculators are not allowed. Matrix manipulations, differential equations, finite element construction, vibration analysis, etc.
My niece and nephew are 10 and 9 years old-they had to learn the multiplication tables in their head. When I was helping Alexa with her homework, I realized I don't remember alot of it! They don't have calculators, and as far as I know, they're not allowed.
i'm just glad my degree courses gave up on the maths at the end of the first year first semester. mathmatically my brain goes so far, then craps out on me. i think its an overheating problem :)
Originally posted by outside looking in
In engineering, there are occasionally exams given where calculators are not allowed. Matrix manipulations, differential equations, finite element construction, vibration analysis, etc.

*scratches head* I am dependant on my calculator though! Even when I don't need it I must have it sitting beside me! I will go crazy next year! (I am going to University for Engineering)
I had to learn my multiplication tables.

As for my math skills now, I can add, subtract and multiply quite well without a calculator. I usually balance my checkbook without a calculator or even scratch paper. Division is where I have trouble, especially when you get into decimal points. I therefore have a 255-function scientific calculator in my glove compartment to figure out my gas mileage.
I think my wonder calculator has ruined my "in my head" math skills. Solving a diff. eq. is easy, doing 38+49-24 isn't so easy anymore. I find that I'm usually off by ten. :D
My college started allowing financial calculators the year after I graduated. Worst move they ever made.

Knowing those formulas inside, outside and backwards made you understand them fully.

Also, I didn't get to take advantage of it.[/siz]
Originally posted by outside looking in
I think my wonder calculator has ruined my "in my head" math skills. Solving a diff. eq. is easy, doing 38+49-24 isn't so easy anymore. I find that I'm usually off by ten. :D

i'm usually off by a power of ten! :eek: :D
hehehe, I love differential equations... :p :D

I do have a TI-89 as well (which I don't use that often :cool: ), which is basically the same thing as the 92 but without the keyboard so it's allowed on exams. BTW, the 92 was discontinued over a year ago because it was basically useless since it was banned from major exams.
Originally posted by outside looking in
In engineering, there are occasionally exams given where calculators are not allowed. Matrix manipulations, differential equations, finite element construction, vibration analysis, etc.

Had to do's horrible first, but you really benefit from doing it :)
La Place transformations are a real pain in the ass without a calculator :(
I had to memorize as well. Unlike Inky, however, I don't have a calc in my glove compartment, so I have to do my milage equations with the average-milage function on my cars trip computer. :p

It also gives me average speed for distance travelled, miles til empty (quite handy on long trips with short funds), and fuel consumed...Not bad for a 1988 car... :D