musical ability?


New Member
i have none. i would sell my soul to be able to sing well...i always thought it was a cruel twist of fate that someone who loves music as much as i do has no, absolutely none, not a drop of musical ability...if i could play any instrument i'd like to play the harmonica...always loved it...ooh ooh and guitar, which i actually gave a valiant, can you sing? can you play any instruments? are you as musically afflicted as me?
Some where around here there is a recording of my son and I doing Cat Steven's 'Father & Son"....Wonder if I could ever find it...:D

I'm like you, tonks. I started on the guitar but got sidetracked....My oldest son, on the other hand, seems to master any instrument he touches. And he does it in meer days. It amazes me. And makes me jealous.....
I play the Piano, Violin, Guitar, Bodhran, Didgeridoo and tin whistle. I also sing. For some time I played the church organ too.

I don't feel right unless I have an instrument to hand somewhere.
The first time I tried it I fell off the stool. All very embarrasing :lloyd:

It's just a question of balance. the hard bit was playing two different manuals and the pedals whilst trying to turn the page of your music. I have no idea how people that are actually good manage it...
I still want to play "In A Gadda Da Vida" on the organ in the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, just one time. :D (I'm not Mormon, so they'd never let me, but that is one big organ, and the acoustics in there are amazing.)

Realistically though, the only instrument I'm any good at is the drums. I played bass drum for 7 years in marching band, if you count middle school, high school and two years at Fresno State. I most certainly can not sing, at least with it sounding good.
I own a guitar, but my playing skills are nada...for now, until I get lessons. My voice.....if I got a vocal coach I MIGHT be able to make it sound decent, but I don't know. I love, love, love music and wish I was talented in that area
I play the guitar, Base and drums....exceptional at base and guitar and decent at drums since it is a leisure instrument, not my main one. Also Trumpet, piano, saxophone and lead singer in my band.

I have recently been interested in the Sitar and Violen....pffffttt....mastered the violen years ago, i play it every now and then in concerts for money.

All said above is a blatant lie.
tonks said:
...hey...i thought you were in a band? they got a piano in your band?
Roland synthesizer... but it plays piano tones... not that theres any in the music. My band uses a great deal of heavy, moody held tones called 'warm pan fade' that make most of what I do sound like Bachs Tocotta and Fuge. There are some other things as well.. but very small parts really. I'm considered a backing musician and not a frontline member of the band. The future albums will include more for me to do if I wish it.
unclehobart said:
Roland synthesizer... but it plays piano tones... not that theres any in the music. My band uses a great deal of heavy, moody held tones called 'warm pan fade' that make most of what I do sound like Bachs Tocotta and Fuge. There are some other things as well.. but very small parts really. I'm considered a backing musician and not a frontline member of the band. The future albums will include more for me to do if I wish it.
well, right on.
I went for guitar lessons once. They refunded my money and told me to sell the guitar. Sadest day of my life.
I used to play the keyboard... I have very long fingers, 'piano fingers', so i'm well equipped for playing that sort of instrument. But it got boring and i decided keyboards are a lot more fun if they're plugged into a computer.
piano since i was 7 and then moved on to guitar at 12, then bass at 14, but then i put a knife through my hand a couple of years ago and severed the nerves so i can't really play anymore :mope:
tonks said:
i have none. i would sell my soul to be able to sing well...i always thought it was a cruel twist of fate that someone who loves music as much as i do has no, absolutely none, not a drop of musical ability..

^ what she said. :D Tone deaf, deaf, and completely creatively unimaginative is me. :crying4:
Professur said:
I went for guitar lessons once. They refunded my money and told me to sell the guitar. Sadest day of my life.

So THAT explains your generally grumpy disposition. :D