Muslim cleric likens women to 'uncovered meat'


New Member
Sounds like this guys turbin is too tight...
A Muslim cleric's claim that women who do not wear the veil are like 'uncovered meat' who attract sexual predators sparked outrage around Australia yesterday.

Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, the nation's most senior Muslim cleric, compared immodestly-dressed women who do not wear the Islamic headdress with meat that is left uncovered in the street and is then eaten by cats.
If Allah wanted women to show skin, they would have been born naked.

I wonder if this cleric likes his women rare or medium.
When I read stuff like this it amazes me that there are little muslims at all. It's another example that most of them aren't that fanatical. Kind of like judging christians by Fred Phelps.
hmmm. raw meat. attracts sexual predators.

well i'm not exactly a predator, but i've never wanted to fuck raw meat.

maybe in prison, though.
When I read stuff like this it amazes me that there are little muslims at all. It's another example that most of them aren't that fanatical. Kind of like judging christians by Fred Phelps.

Had to look that one up since I hadn't heard of Mr. Phelps before. Entertaining reading though.

Is his group the same ones that wanted to protest at those Amish kids funerals?
cylon? wth is that? Some trekkie thing? My uncle is a trekkie. He's 45, unmarried, living with his parents.

I'm not sick and twisted... just my jokes are.
:shrug: I'm a fangirl, and I gots someone to bang, so not all of us are sad.

*remembers that she was at a con last weekend

Me with Tom Lenk from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

...Ok, so maybe I am sad. :blush:

[and cylons are from battlestar galatica not trek]
Sorry if I'm weirding you out, the part of my brain that makes sense went to bed about an hour ago, and the part that doesn't is still up hangin' out, waiting for my 16 year old daughter to get home, 'cuz her curfew was 30 minutes ago and I'm not gonna let her keep going out with those bad men.