My 500th post!


New Member
Hey. I have to celebrate the little things. It's not like I'm a post whore *cough*unc*cough*Leslie*cough* ...stupid cheese doodle.

I'll be 50 by the time I reach a thousand. :nerd:
500? I remember back in the day...

*Rambles on incoherently....
pc_builder said:
Hey. I have to celebrate the little things. It's not like I'm a post whore *cough*unc*cough*Leslie*cough* ...stupid cheese doodle.

I'll be 50 by the time I reach a thousand. :nerd:
Were only 3/4 on the list. Pick on PT and Luis. They have much more than we do. ;)
12244 - 11899....

Tain't that much more.... Besides, I'm a post slut, it ain't like I'm getting paid for this or nothing.
Con-Grats PCB :) - 500 is a hellova start. 1,000 here you come!! Tkae it slow though...wouldn't want to strain a pinky :) j/k

[Mr.Burns] Ex-cellent Smithers!!! [/quote]
unclehobart said:
Were only 3/4 on the list. Pick on PT and Luis. They have much more than we do. ;)

I would have if I had bothered to look through more than a couple threads. I was just throwing out some punchlines. :D
Hey, 'grats:D Mebbe I'll let go of this wedgie for this grand occasion. *cocks head on side and considers it for a second* Then again, it's so fun watching you struggle to get them off your ears. :rofl4:
500 came and went pretty quick for me....

but grats PCB...and keep those comics coming!!