My Birthday!

Naughty, naughty. You're not supposed to look for the gift, :spank:, and you're most definitely not supposed to look at the price. :devious:

It's really beautiful, though. ;)
:rofl2: I thought that he'd bought you a razor for your birthday... read the link too fast and thought that it said (The manuf. of the MACH3 razor for men).

I was wondering what he wanted you to shave before the link popped up :D

Nice bracelet.
I knew the price already... we spotted it a while back.. what we were doing looking in a jeweller's window... :blush: :blush: I couldn't say! :D I remember making a brief comment that I loved it but on seeing the price tag (why are they always so tiny!?) insisted it was too much at the time!

Its totally my taste... I am one lucky girl. I'm so scared wearing it... I wore it yesterday (and I asked his permission :rolleyes: :blush: ) and I have it on today to show the other ladies I work with but tonight it goes in the box til I see Ade on Thursday and even then i may save it til Saturday when we go clubbing!!!!

No one has ever bought me ANYTHING like this EVER!