My boss


Staff member
Always comes to me and tells me secrets! It's fun! He tells me secrets about the company and about fights and arguments that go on within the company! I always feel so in the loop!

Edited because I had typed "sexrets" instead of "secrets" in one place!
Hehe...then when somebody in the company makes a certain comment you think to yourself 'muahaha! I know more about you!' :D

That's fun! :)

I was off on Friday and he was telling me that the receptionist was freaking out because noone told her I was going ot be away! HAHAHA! I caused trouble!
It's fun causing trouble!

Everyone always comes and visits me back here in the corner at my desk and asks how I am as well!

I sit WAY back in the furthest away corner of the office closest to the BIG bosses! :eek:
Be very careful with people like that... The ones to talk about others the most are probably the ones talking about you too (or retelling the secrets you tell them). I have a few of those at work too. But I get told alot of secrets because they know I'll keep them. Isn't it nice knowing all that stuff? :headbang: :D
ok, it wasn't meant THAT smiled and nodded...only when you replied I actually looked what it really was doing :D

Didn't know it was humping....sorry :D