My cellphone is dying

Can't you get a new faceplate for it? Nokias are famous for that. That would be a hell of a lot cheaper than several hundred bucks for a new RAZR phone.
tonksy said:
I don't know if I can get a new faceplate for mine. I just have the cheapo nokia model.

You can find covers for most (if not all) nokia cellphones.
I had a cell phone years ago when I was working out of town but I just can't justify having one now. I'm either at work or at home....with a phone at arms reach either can call me there if you need to talk to me.

I do still have my old Nokia 5160 with extra extended battery and extra charger if anyone would like to purchase it for $20.
I never had a cover....unless I am mistaken and know nothing of the workings of cell phones.
The outer shell of the phone is what I refer to as the "cover." On most Nokia phones, you can take off that outer shell and replace it.

What Nokia model is your phone? Do a search on ebay for that model and faceplate and see if it turns anything up.
Inkara1 said:
The outer shell of the phone is what I refer to as the "cover." On most Nokia phones, you can take off that outer shell and replace it.

What Nokia model is your phone? Do a search on ebay for that model and faceplate and see if it turns anything up.
I can't find the number. I'll research it more on the morrow *yawns
If you can get a faceplate for less than $10 shipped, that's a lot better than shelling out for replacing what is otherwise a perfectly good phone.
greenfreak said:
My scratched up, beat up, can't-hold-a-charge, 5 year old Samsung cellphone is dying. But as of today, I've got a brand new Motorola Razor ordered. :D

Rusty and I checked out the family plans with the major providers and settled on the Cingular 550 anytime-minute plan; $60. a month for both phones, $30. for the phones itself (after rebates), and $35. activation fee per phone. I wasn't thrilled about the activation fee but screw it. I was paying $45. a month for my old phone.

I only had 200 anytime minutes on my old cellphone and I never went over my limit so I'm not worried about only having 550. We were going to do the pay-as-you-go plan but if you don't use all the money that's on your account within 30 days, you lose it.

Now maybe my 12 year old nephew will stop laughing at me because his phone was nicer than mine. :p

Innit purty??

Everyone I know who has the RazR are extremely unhappy with the phone. One of the ladies actually returned it after only 5 hours of owning it.

I have vowed to never get an Ericsson or Motorola again - will be sticking to Nokia or Samsung - the only two brands that I have had no problems with.

BTW - do you guys not have the option of a free upgrade with contracts? My contract is styled so that I pay preferrential call rates, get 200 sms's at a third of the normal price and have at least 120 free off-peak and weekend minutes per month, which basically means that I pay only the standard fees, like insurance & network fees per month.

Using my cell for netaccess is also supercheap (works out to about 1 cent per 3 minutes or so) plus I get a free upgrade on my handset every 24 months.
tonksy said:
I like this one...but, excuse me, is there a screen attached to that or is the clear part just a hole? Because if it's just a hole it ain't gonna work for me.

It's just a removable (clip-on) cover for the Nokia 6010.
Hm, I now became unsure if all nokia's phones had covers that also shielded the screen, or if some have just "holes" there. My rotten memory seems to remember a phone like that.

One way to find out if that goes for your phone though, tonksy: Just take off the cover that's on the phone now and check. If there is plastic where the screen is, order away.
AlphaTroll said:
Everyone I know who has the RazR are extremely unhappy with the phone. One of the ladies actually returned it after only 5 hours of owning it.

I have vowed to never get an Ericsson or Motorola again - will be sticking to Nokia or Samsung - the only two brands that I have had no problems with.
Can you be more specific on why the returns and what the problems were so I know what to watch out for? Also, were these the "V3" models? I'm trying to figure out what kinds of problems you would have in 5 hours that wasn't related to the phone service rather than the phone.

I know people have their favorites and stuff but what's the problem with the Motorolas in general?
I'd be interested to see how reliable the RAZR (all RAZRs are V3s) is. Most Motorolas have a fragile connector at the bottom; the soldering tends to break there, meaning you can plug in the phone all you want but you have to hold the cord at a very certain angle to get the phone to charge. That's the most common problem with that brand, at least the CDMA models; everything else that goes wrong with them crops up about as often as on other brands.

Tonksy, that clear area SHOULD be a clear screen. Every other Nokia faceplate I've seen has the clear screen in that hole.

AT, most providers here will pay towards the cost of a new phone after two years with a contract renewal. Some phones are free that way, others cost some money.