my dog :(

Luis G

Staff member
remember the dog we adopted?

Well, it is confirmed, it is moquillo, and there's nothing we can do. We will probly put her to sleep in a few months (at most).

The only good thing i can think of out of this is that at least she is having a much better life than that she would have gotten in the streets, but still :(
I'm sorry Luis. But you're right, you're giving her a better life, and a little love in the meantime. Better than her being alone and people-less.
If its distemper, the shot is a vaccine. I don't know of any treatment for the actual disease, but some dogs recover. I can't believe it took this long to diagnose distemper. Thats a bit odd.
There are some that recover, but it's rare. That's too bad Luis. Just be sure and make her comfortable and have it done when you start noticing her in pain. Bummers.
Yep...Watch for "chewing" and "running" spasms...Its indicative of the end...I am really sorry to hear this.... :crying3:
The diagnosis took so long because of the speed of the disease, apparently, she has a soft mutation of the distemper virus, which can be good and bad, good because she might recover, and bad because commonly in the end it just takes longer to kill her and it is more painfull.

There's no treatment for the distemper, the only possibility is that she heals by herself, something very very unlikely, around 3% according to the vet. And even if she makes it, 70% out of that 3% dies in the first year after they got healed.

It's been so little time since the last dog died, and now her........ :(
I had to put down my 17 year old cat. I will never forget that. I decided not having another pet. You're right, I'm sure the poor animal is better with you though. Wish things happen the best way possible :(