My first day of senior year...


New Member
...Was both a nightmare and...well, whatever you consider the opposite of a nightmare.

Points to remember:

-My shoes have officially killed my feet. I can't walk barefoot without them hurting. That's entirely my fault.

-The ever-so wonderful Dan Jones nudged my little Cavalier in the rear end with his HUGE DODGE RAM. No damage was done, but obviously I got out to look. Then Mr. I'm-better-than-you-because-I-direct-traffic guy threw a hissy fit because I was out of my car when I was being waved on. What a dick. I told him what happened, so all is good there. Sorta.

-I got a royal shitload of homework. Then, I spent a half hour trying to figure out something that was on the wrong page. Winkler started us on the previous page which, ironically, had the same numbered problems as the next page. Therefore, I didn't get all of my homework done before work.

-Which leads me to work. We got done at 9:45, except for the huge black woman who knew we were closed but took her time buying $104 worth of PAPER. Which wasn't so bad, because we would have been out at 9:50 if it weren't for Mike and his "Why don't you guys go fill ALL the clipstrips by the registers?" kick. That really pissed me off. We got out at 10:05. I'm sooo sending that application to the doctor's office.

-At 11:30, while I was trying to get my homework done and go to bed at a decent time, my power went out. Actually, all of Middle River did, save Maple Crest and Martin Plaza. So, here I am, at 11:30 at night, in complete darkness save this computer screen, hoping and praying it comes back on so I can get a hot shower in the morning. That is, if my alarm clock even goes out. And I still have psychology to do.
Enjoy it while you can. That looks like an everyday to the post HS world :)
At 11:30, while I was trying to get my homework done and go to bed at a decent time, my power went out. Actually, all of Middle River did, save Maple Crest and Martin Plaza. So, here I am, at 11:30 at night, in complete darkness save this computer screen, hoping and praying it comes back on so I can get a hot shower in the morning. That is, if my alarm clock even goes out. And I still have psychology to do.

Have you tried filcking the light switch,if your computers working chances are the powers on.:lloyd:

Enjoy it while you can. That looks like an everyday to the post HS world

And it doesn't get any better after you graduate either. :eek6:
A.B.Normal said:
Have you tried filcking the light switch,if your computers working chances are the powers on.:lloyd:
$5 says she's posting from a laptop computer on dial-up.

Fluer, did you haze any freshmen? That's your job too.
High school and uni/college are piece of cake, try to enjoy them as much as you can :headbang:

In fact everything is a piece of cake, as long as you don't get bored with your activiites.
Wish I were still at school...

Chick... it doesn't get much better than what you got now... but often predictability can be a comfort.... wake... wake... work.... eat... sleep...

Nah! Ignore the insane lady... same ol' same ol' is a nightmare! *Help me please... any suggestions for ife change greatly appreciated!*
senior can be a blast, but at the same time, its a major decision year to get prepared for what the world REALLY has to offer..I bitched too that year, but man, How I wish sometimes those days where here again...
There are times that I really wish I was back in HS as well. I had some fun times my senior year. I didn't let things bother me, had some great friends and great times.
I had to wonder about the power being out thing myself. :shrug:

Anyway, do your best to enjoy it, Flu. It really doesn't get much better than what you're doing now.
ok, what exactly is senior year? last year of HS?

'cause if it is; i wouldn't say it doesn't get better than that. i wasn't too fond of HS, nor am i too fond of college. but i do enjoy the work i'm doing, and i'm going to enjoy what i'll be doing after college even more.

i'm a bit surprised about all the "enjoy it, it doesn't get better than that" all of you have jobs you don't like? sure sounds like it...
I'm with Shadowfax........wot's with all this "is doesn't get any better" malarky? :lloyd:

It gets tons better........people don't get greasy skin and zits when ya get older ;)
High School : Start the day around 8:30 am. Done by 3:30 pm. Homework, but not too bad. Responsibility = not much.

Work : Start day around 6:00 am. Hope to get home by 6:00 pm. No homework, but responsiblity is very high.

I'd take school anyday.
work hard as hell, but the most you get is people yelling

High school, bullies, fist fights, hazing, spit balls, wedgies, beatdowns, general harrassment on what you wear, eat, listen too....

I'll pass on ever going to highschool again
It gets harder from here, but it can get a lot better, depending on what decisions you make. Several of those decsions will confront you within the next twelve months. Choose wisely.
Man, I hated high school. Not for the supposed "hard work" cos I coasted through, but because of all the "popular" people. :rolleyes: It's funny, not many of 'em ended up going to university, and I saw one about a year after highschool, buying an ironing board, and carting 'round a baby. *snicker* poetic justice.

*BoP isn't resentful at all....
I liked it so well I left early. Then I proved I was better than most of my classmates & got a GED. You hafta be able to read to gets one of them.