My first term paper


New Member
So my History 201 class assigned my very first term paper, like a practice thing. It has to be about an event in American history between 1880 and 2000. I have to choose a topic and a question about said topic, then answer it in 12-15 pages.

I chose prohibition in the 1920s, and my question is: How could the prohibition movement have been changed to be more effective?

I plan to discuss the reasons for the prohibition movement including effects of alcohol on typical American households and economy, as well as implemented acts and laws, how they were undermined, and how these violations of the law could have been taken care of.

Or something like that. Any opinions from people who have done term papers?
Try not to rattle on, keep it interesting. Put in little tidbits or stories, they're just filler, but they keep the paper interesting.
FluerVanderloo said:
How could the prohibition movement have been changed to be more effective?

More Elliot Ness & less Al Capone. Bigger guns? Wiretapping & cell phone eavesdropping?
FluerVanderloo said:
So my History 201 class assigned my very first term paper, like a practice thing. It has to be about an event in American history between 1880 and 2000. I have to choose a topic and a question about said topic, then answer it in 12-15 pages.

I chose prohibition in the 1920s, and my question is: How could the prohibition movement have been changed to be more effective?

I plan to discuss the reasons for the prohibition movement including effects of alcohol on typical American households and economy, as well as implemented acts and laws, how they were undermined, and how these violations of the law could have been taken care of.

Or something like that. Any opinions from people who have done term papers?

It might be important to cover how prohibition ultimately failed. Try breaking it up into several reasons. If you cover the reason and the history of that reason you can later in the paper counter propose more effective approaches. Try and find programs that might be more apt to catch on and cover them in detail. It would be best to find alternatives that would be period effective. Also a few stories, like PT suggested, goes a long way. The best stories often include great figures of the time like Carry Nation.

A topic as broad as the reasons for or against a major element like prohibition is rather immense. Perhaps you should condense it into a smaller subtopic more befitting the 15 page limitation so it can be more properly explored. Perhaps a limiting to the interaction of a single state into the whole movement since some states were for it and some against it. You could also do the ways people tried to circumvent the system with homebrew, smuggling, moonshining, bootlegging, and speakeasies. You could take the flipside and explore the many ways of attempted law enforcement and ultimate failures of attempted control.
Truly the product of a public school education.

(no intended offence meant to you Flu yer just a victum)

A freshman in the second semester and she’s
uncertain in regards to a term paper?!?

Down with the NEA!!!
tonksy said:
Did you know that without prohibition there might not be a NASCAR?
You say that like it would be a bad thing.

BTW, Wink. Do you know how much easier it is to write a term paper now than it used to be?
chcr said:
You say that like it would be a bad thing.

BTW, Wink. Do you know how much easier it is to write a term paper now than it used to be?
But...But...I make money off of NASCAR products...not to mention that there have been many innovations for faster, more reliable engines due to the racing industry :shrug:
No Cheecky old boi
but I do know what me tot said upon reachin'
pubic (State) collage (honors)

Jeez it's the end of the semester and finally
they are having us right a paper,
I used to have to write three or four a week
every week for four years at Brophy.

He was so disgusted that he changed his major at the end of the first semester.

Guess them Jesuits musta kicked his ass?
The Kid filled out his W-4 for Princeton Review
(made the first cut and got the job)

There were two Vanderbilt grads in his class.

Yep it pays to spend yers money on school BEFORE
they get to collage.
don't for one minute think that graduating
from collage doesn’t make you better than everyone else


bust yer skinny lil' hiney off and 'git-er-done' hon.
Fleur...look into the economic impact prohibition had on Appalachia. Prohibition and the lack of railroads in the "reconstructed" (read: raped) South forced isolated farmers to sell their corn in liquid form to keep it from going bad before it hit market. Had the all-knowing, all-wise Federal government only reallocated the funds spent on revenue agents into giving the South 1/10 the development the New England industrialists were handed via tax breaks and the ever important tarriff, how many lives would have been saved? 'Course, we all know how much Warshinton valued a Southern life now don't we? Do a little digging, and you'll find direct links between the passage of prohibition and the Appalachian moonshine industry. Look in particular for suppliers to Chicago speakeasy rooms. It's all there.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Fleur...look into the economic impact prohibition had on Appalachia. Prohibition and the lack of railroads in the "reconstructed" (read: raped) South forced isolated farmers to sell their corn in liquid form to keep it from going bad before it hit market. Had the all-knowing, all-wise Federal government only reallocated the funds spent on revenue agents into giving the South 1/10 the development the New England industrialists were handed via tax breaks and the ever important tarriff, how many lives would have been saved? 'Course, we all know how much Warshinton valued a Southern life now don't we? Do a little digging, and you'll find direct links between the passage of prohibition and the Appalachian moonshine industry. Look in particular for suppliers to Chicago speakeasy rooms. It's all there.
Now, now... you know very well that non-PC papers automatically get a C- or less. She needs to do a paper on how prohibition hurt the feelings of some owls or trees or something. Thats an instant A.
unclehobart said:
Now, now... you know very well that non-PC papers automatically get a C- or less. She needs to do a paper on how prohibition hurt the feelings of some owls or trees or something. Thats an instant A.

hahahaha :lloyd:
unclehobart said:
Now, now... you know very well that non-PC papers automatically get a C- or less. She needs to do a paper on how prohibition hurt the feelings of some owls or trees or something. Thats an instant A.

See signature. :lloyd:
I wonder if you could write 15 pages on prohibitions effect on the auto industry....I mean, especially if your professor isn't mechanically inclined. He'd/she'd just get a glossy eyed stare and grade it a B+.
tonksy said:
But...But...I make money off of NASCAR products...not to mention that there have been many innovations for faster, more reliable engines due to the racing industry :shrug:
BORING, NASCAR is BORING. Real motor racing (SCCA, F1, WRC, AMA, MotoGP) is exciting and fun to watch. In most Nascar races there are five or less cars that have a legitimate shot at winning and you can usually figure it out in the first ten minutes. After that it's a two-and-a-half hours of a small step above demolition derby. Boring.

Oh, and if you think Nascar contributes to cars on the road, let me remind you that they use front engine, rear wheel drive cars with 40 year old V8 engine technology and carburetors for christ's sake. They are in no way related to the street going versions.
Turn left, turn left, turn left, turn left, pass, turn left, turn left, get passed, pit stop, turn left.... what could possibly be boring about that?

Everyone knows NASCAR is all about firey crashes anywhoo.
chcr said:
BORING, NASCAR is BORING. Real motor racing (SCCA, F1, WRC, AMA, MotoGP) is exciting and fun to watch. In most Nascar races there are five or less cars that have a legitimate shot at winning and you can usually figure it out in the first ten minutes. After that it's a two-and-a-half hours of a small step above demolition derby. Boring.

Oh, and if you think Nascar contributes to cars on the road, let me remind you that they use front engine, rear wheel drive cars with 40 year old V8 engine technology and carburetors for christ's sake. They are in no way related to the street going versions.
Sure it's boring! Didn't say I watched it, it's just the most popular. I don't know about the other racing organizations but I do remember the doccy I watched on the Bootleggers cars and they said that some of the Bootleggers went on to start up NASCAR.