My flowers are starting to bloom!


Staff member
Today, the lilies of the valley opened...BEAUTIFUL! :D

this is lily of the valley -


lov.jpg, 15.48kb

Very pretty Les!:)
I want to plant some flowers too, but they're supposed to be painting the outside of the buildings so I gotta wait....I just know the painters will stomp all over them and get paint on them.
my sunflower garden might be doomed too, the guy on the other side of the fence wants to paint it. There will be overspray and he wants to do our side as well :eek: the only thing I can think of is covering them with a tarp for the day. :(

my forgetmenots are all over the place now :eek:


forgetmenots.jpg, 41.43kb

A tarp might be too heavy. They're still baby sunflowers, right? You should be able to get a big hunk of visqueen at the hardware store pretty cheap. Get the lowerst mil they have.
good point, maybe I'll go take a look and see what I
can find. Thanks! :)

You could get the plants, and just have them sitting there in the pots until the painters are done, moving them the days they are there, that way you could enjoy them for a while longer.
At least that way you'd have them for a bit longer.

I went out awhile ago, and my primroses have popped out now. This time of year is cool :)


primrose.jpg, 8.69kb

I live in Florida, toots! :D ...we always got flowers :dance:
these are my favorite, aboot $30 usbucks for a baby


flowers-birdofparadise.jpg, 16.67kb

ooooooooooh! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :D

you're not where all the frost snow and ice keep happening?
:D nooooope....last time I saw snow here was '87

...and the last time I saw real snow was '82 when I left Buffalo.
Cool! It would be nice to not see snow for even a year. :D I bet you don't miss it! :laugh:
Don't see much snow here in North Alabama either. Just one inch will shut down the town.

If you put a tarp over those plants you might cook them.
Originally posted by alex
If you put a tarp over those plants you might cook them.
yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking too...but I think if she gets the lightest visquuen and soaks them down first and only leaves the plastic on while the neighbor is painting they'll prolly be ok.
We're going to rig up something else, they would cook I'm sure under a tarp.

:laugh: We tell people to "jump in a lake" (euphemism) all the time, but we're not a very "suey" society up here.