My goldfish is dying


Well-Known Member
I have a blue betta and last week i filled his tank up with creekwater from across the street thinking he'd like fresh water. I used to do this for my daughters goldfish all the time and he loved it. This time it didn't turn out so well however. After only a matterof days he began to look terrible. At first i thought maybe there were chemicals in the water since they've been working on the road above the creek where i got the water. But now he has some type of bacterial fungii or growth extending out about a 1/4" on each side of him and he's hardly moving. I'm thinking that maybe he just didn't have the defense mechanisms in place to protect himself from our local water as he's not a native fish. He's been back in the tapwater now for a couple of days but it doesn't look like it's helping.

What do you think, can he be saved?


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
sounds like he has ICK, there is a tropical fish medicine you can get at the pet shop to treat it. but do not introduce him to creek water again if he makes it. :(


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
If it's as bad as you say, you're better off flushing him now. I've never had one recover from it that bad.


New Member
Hex, I reckon you should just flush it....if you can't do it ask UncleHobart - he's an expert at such matters.


Well-Known Member
OK. I shook the tank a little and he looked like a salmon after spawning. Actually i couldn't even tell if he was alive or dead at this point so we sent him to goldfish heaven.

Ok i'm over it now.:D

That figures that Unc would take kindly to FISH since he doesn't like people much. HA!


New Member
Aww, bummer. Sorry to hear he died. My betta worries me sometimes when he's not moving too much, but so far I've not killed him.

The little frog that was in there is another story....:s


New Member
Rose said:
Aww, bummer. Sorry to hear he died. My betta worries me sometimes when he's not moving too much, but so far I've not killed him.

The little frog that was in there is another story....:s

Squiggy was in the tank with Hex's fish? Well, now wonder the poor thing got sick :rolleyes:


Quarter inch is kinda large to be ick. I'd say, more than likely, there were parasites in the water. I'd recommend Clout to medicate it. But it doesn't sound good...:(


New Member
When I had goldfish, I had a lot of trouble keeping their water clean because they are such dirty fish. I don't know than anything besides treated tapwater would be good for them but I know they are a lot more resiliant to changes than bettas are. When I had bettas, I kept them in spring water, not tap water. Something about the chlorine and such in my tap water in NY isn't good for them. I've read that Bettas are very sensitive to the quality of their water too. Funny considering they were originally swimming around in murky rice paddies. :shrug:

Sorry Hex. But now you can go and get another one and do better this time. :)


New Member
You know....I had a lovely betta named Cadbury who lasted for a whopping 3.5 years, he was just replaced by a nice light blue one named Peeves, who was also cheaper. hehe :lol2:


New Member
I never put anything in my salt water tank but deionized ph balanced aged heated and carbon filtered water.

The whole process of a 10 Gallon water change takes me about a week from filtering to mixing to heating to aging to to carbon filtering.


New Member
Sounds like much too much work for some fish, AE. But, I'm lazy.

I use these little fizzy drop in thingies that turn ordinary tap water into fish-ready water. It's best to let the water set out overnight, though, to help get out everything that's bad for the fish, but the drop in thingies work okay, too.


New Member
Its a labor of love.

Never have I ever seen such beauty as when I look at my saltwater fish.......

Brilliant colors, Tangs with razor sharp tails. Fish with large flowing fins (thin of a 6 inch beta). Rabit and Lion fish with poisionous spikes. Fish that change colors depending on the time of day. Shrimp that crawl around and clean the fish......


New Member
I had five betas once. One was given to me, his name was Bastard. Then I had a betta duplex with Diablo and Roudu (sp?). In the other duplex tank I had Martha Faucker and Mr. Winkie. I put them in tap water with that equalizing water shit they tell ya to buy and they all did really well. Untill my bitch room mate decided they were hers when I moved out and didn't give them back.


New Member
my ex brother in law brought a beta fish home, once. he put it in the tank with my african cichlids.....oops. they ate all his fins off and the poor bastard just sunk to the bottom of the tank and died.
won a goldfish at the statefair, it came in a little bowl, my cats drank all the water out of it...left the fish, finicky pussies.