My grandmother moved today

Stop Laughing

New Member
Yeesh, we FINALLY finished! We've got all sorts of crap loaded in boxes because she's a pack rat and didn't want to throw anything out, even old greeting cards (You never know when Valetine's Day 1974 comes around again!). By moving, she found much more than she threw away. She found $100 in a bible she had hidden away, and she never knew about it! Before the truck arrived, she was going thorugh one of the boxes full of useless crap she couldn't bear to throw away, she found things like sheet music (which we're giving to the silent film society, certainly none of us have any use for them), her mother's medical insurance card from the thirties, about 12 books of matches, her 1990 tax return, the 10 commandments of bingo (that's probably the most useful thing in there), and a large photo of when she was a baby, naked. :eek: We're keeping much of her old furniture since she's getting all new stuff, and I need the bed most of all, my current one is lumpier than my high school's gravy. :D Her new place is Friendship Village out in Schaumburg, only a 15 minute drive or so from our house. I didn't get to see her apartment yet since I had to work after I helped load up the truck, but we'll probably drop in tomorrow after we're done with the furniture.
:laugh: sounds like hubby's grandma, same thing, plus all the stuff she bought over the years on sale in case she needed it :rolleyes: :laugh: