My idiot tolerance...


Staff member lower than the Canadian dollar!!!

This stupid guy msged me on another site I'm on and he's all

"Wow, in 4th year and only 21, you must be some smart cookie"

and I was like "Well, if by smart cookie you mean didn't fail or fall behind but also didn't fast track in anyway then sure..."

to which he replied "Well, you shoulda been 18 or 19 when you graduated highschool and you're only 21 now so it doesn't seem to add up that you'd be in fourth year"

to which I said "yeah, I was 18 when I finished highschool and I'll be 22 when I graduate's only September yet EINSTEIN, look at my birthday!!!"

I'm trying to remove the image of cookies being very yummy from my head right about now...
MrBishop said:
The Canadian Dollar ain't that low :)

...and you ARE a smart cookie!

but me being 21 and in 4th year in no way proves's like me saying "It is raining outside today because I like to eat apples"
Nixy said:
but me being 21 and in 4th year in no way proves's like me saying "It is raining outside today because I like to eat apples"

What's wrong with apples? :lloyd:
Spot said:
judging from the 21 year old people i see, it does.

I guess it's all what one is exposed to...most of the 21 year old people *I* know are in the exact same spot as me :) Or, they're doing an internship through the school this year and will graduate next year (but that isn't falling behind, it's an official 5 year program)
There was no way for me to be 21 on my 4th year. (I was born in february).
Luis G said:
There was no way for me to be 21 on my 4th year. (I was born in february).

My birthday is in very plain sight right under my age so if he knew my age he shoulda seen my birthday and thus shoulda been able to figure it out. He knew it was possible to be 18 when starting Uni but didn't stop to think I have a birthday between now and graduation;