my mail bit me


New Member
You know its going to be one of those days when the first letter of the day that you open bites into you and gives you the nastiest and deepest papercut in all of human history...right in the webbing of the thumb on the patch of skin that moves the most and needs flexibility.
close was from the US Census Board. I put up a thread in the RW for that little gem. This is just a thread about unexpected little annoying injuries. I swear.. if I get a drop of blood on that form I should probably expect a visit from an FBI SWAT team. I'm going to push it aside until the wound knits.
Nah, they won't visit you. They'll simpy DNA type it and keep the results in your permanent file.
Or mistake you for Sideshow Bob trying to fill everything out in your own blood and arrest you for being a cartoon world escapee. :beerbang:
unclehobart said:
You know its going to be one of those days when the first letter of the day that you open bites into you and gives you the nastiest and deepest papercut in all of human history...right in the webbing of the thumb on the patch of skin that moves the most and needs flexibility.

Did you ever notice how Rob never seems to get a normal injury?
Alrighty then

Unc, how'd you hurt your back most recently? And do be sure to include how little sympathy Tonks gives you about it.
Hell if I know. It just 'happend' while doing normal activities near din-din time about 10 days ago. God knows what I did... all I know is that I strained the living bejesus out of my right lat. I was living off of Darvocet for 2 days and bitching and moaning about it for the following 8.
unclehobart said:
Hell if I know. It just 'happend' while doing normal activities near din-din time about 10 days ago. God knows what I did... all I know is that I strained the living bejesus out of my right lat. I was living off of Darvocet for 2 days and bitching and moaning about it for the following 8.
Ask him what normal activities are.
unclehobart said:
Hell if I know. It just 'happend' while doing normal activities near din-din time about 10 days ago. God knows what I did... all I know is that I strained the living bejesus out of my right lat. I was living off of Darvocet for 2 days and bitching and moaning about it for the following 8.

There, you see. If you'd been living up here, you could have just gone out and laid in a snowbank until the swelling went down, and been fine the next morning.
Beer, cooking, beer, potty, beer, punish the children, beer, clean dishes, beer, potty, beer *gets hazy here*, wake up dehydrated.
Maybe if you used the grown up toilet like a big boy, you might not have injured your back. Surely Inky didn't smell it up so much that you still won't use it.