my site's misbehaving *grrs at html*


New Member
i don't know how many "halp! mai site iz brokend" posts i've made here, but it's probably been a lot... and i appreciate the help!

today i was working on my site, , for the first time in a while, and i noticed that my pages that i wanted to display in the larger frame didn't ... instead, they opened in a new tab.

so, on a whim, i went into my index file, and changed the name of the frame from "main" to "cheese" (just because), and changed all the targets for the links i wanted to appear there to "cheese", reuploaded it, and it seemed to work.

i went back to it a few hours later, and the pages were opening in new tabs again!
i changed the name and targets again, (this time to "flan", just because) and this time that didn't work. so i changed it back to "main", which is what it is now.

i was wondering if anyone would mind looking at my code and seeing what i did wrong, if anything.

since i'm not sure if you can see my index code, this is it:


<frameset cols="*,400" border="0">

<frame src="" name="main" noresize>
<frame src="" name="frame" noresize>



You do not have frames emabled. You need frames to view this site.



as always, any help is appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
I went there and viewed the frame source. All the links that have target="main" open up in the left frame, and all the ones that have target="_blank" open up in a new tab, as I assume you were expecting them to do.

Firefox? Sometimes it develops a "personality." My copy of firefox at work, on a mac, will sometimes get PMS, and decide it won't load style sheets or images anymore, nor will it respond to clicking links, typing in URLs, typing in apple-Q or selecting "quit" from the menu. I have to force quit it. Then I relaunch it, select "restore session" and I'm good to go.

I should also point out that you forgot the closing greater-than sign in your tag for img src="" and although I'm sure that's not what's causing the problem, it's worth a shot, and if nothing else, your code is cleaned up some. I also prefer putting bgcolor, text, link, etc. all in one body tag instead of having a separate body tag for each attribute... <body bgcolor=#000000 text=#ffffff> for example. That's personal preference, though.

Also, it works fine for me as is in IE 7. I'm too lazy to fire up the laptop to test it in Safari for Windows.


New Member
I wanted to start using frames once for my website, too. But after messing around with it, I found it easier to work with iframes. But that's just me. Since my site hasn't been up for awhile, here is the code for my index page. It puts a menu at the top in it's own frame and calls everything else into the lower frame.

<TITLE>NJM Studios-- Whatever...</TITLE>
<link rel=stylesheet href="poems/njmstyle.css" type="text/css">
|| <a href="home.html" onclick="return loadIframe('ifrm', this.href)" target="main">home</a> 
|| <a href="poetry.html" onclick="return loadIframe('ifrm', this.href)" target="main">njm's poetry</a> 
|| <a href="" onclick="return loadIframe('ifrm', this.href)" target="main">poet's corner</a> 

|| themes 
|| links 
|| image gallery 
|| etc. 
|| <a href="" onclick="return loadIframe('ifrm', this.href)" target="main">MY BLOG!</a> 
|| BoP vs. PCB Comic 
|| <a href="" onclick="return loadIframe('ifrm', this.href)" target="main">Email</a> 
<iframe src="home.html" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" name="main" id="main">
You must use a current browser that supports iframes.</iframe>

As you can see, even the menu wasn't fully fleshed out with links. I haven't gotten around to getting it back up yet either.