my skinny boss ...


New Member
always brings in goodies - donuts, sushi, cakes, pies etc. - today is no exception, she bought us ice cream. yummy.

i think she's trying to fatten us up, because she always brings in goodies, but never eats them herself. hmm ... :D
hmmmm, she is trying to make fat all women around, so he could be skinny and have advantage :D :D
So the skinny one is bringing in goodies and *not* eating them? I smell a ritual 'fattening up' befor the 'sacrifice'. Is somebody there giving lackluster performance at work? This could be a prelude to a 'purge'...
hmm, i'm the skinny one and i don't bring the stuff. perhaps i should start.... :D should start eating that stuff ;)

how skinny you are??
i'm 5'11 and i was 9st 9 a couple of years ago, now i'm 11st 5. i don't look any different though which does piss my missus off :D
Ku'u, she's trying to fatten you up so that you won't be able to get out of your chair and you'll have to sit there and work 24/7.