My son will be the next Robin Hood :)


Well-Known Member
We were at a house-warming party, where one of the invited kids had brought a Nerf Bow-and arrow set.

Seeing his Mom holding a bottle of beer, and knowing all about the dangers of drinking while pregnant, he quickly took careful aim and shot his 'arrow' through the air, hitting her in the hand and making her drop the bottle....another innocent saved!!!

*truth be told, she was holding the beer for someone while he was doing something...but a shot from 12 feet away through a crowd!!*

I'm going to buy him one of these :)
I hope he got beat. Or somethin. Good god I'd kill one of my kids if they did that.
That's amazing, but he could have hurt someone. Luckily he didn't, but my reaction probably would have beent he same as yours.
Uki Chick said:
That's amazing, but he could have hurt someone. Luckily he didn't, but my reaction probably would have beent he same as yours.
It's nerf.... you could stand 2feet away and get it in the head and barely feel it (Gotta love nerf) :)

She dropped the beer mostly out of surprise... but what a look on her face! :)
Winky said:
Glad to see you are teaching him
proper weapons control.
Well... bows are easy once you know the tricks. At least he didn't have to worry about string-slaps. **Ouchie**
haha nice shot!

I remember those nerf bows, all the kids had them while we were growing up.
Uki Chick said:
I can just try to imagine the look on her face :lol2:

What about the poor bastard whose beer was spilled *handonhip.He was probably figuring it was safe to let the pregnant woman hold his drink.
Now boys, we *don't* aim bows and arrows at Mommy. Or any grownup for that matter. Even pretend ones. It's disrespectful.
bah. The next thing you'll probably tell us that we shouldn't write the word 'mommy' on a pumpkin right before we cackle and savagely stab it repeatedly with knives.
Leslie said:
um...yes. I will.

Then I guess that burning you in effigy, joining the hairy chestnuts and listening to Vanilla Ice are right out as well!!??!

**Aside: I tried to find a hare chrisna web-site to hotlink, but they don't have web-sites! What kind of freaks are they anyway? SuuuUUUUUuuure, it's fine to shave your head and play tambourines all day, but learning HTML is Satan's work??!? feh :p