NATO-only moves when the US okays it. Waits for the US to get it's troops & money involved. In general, not a bad thing but why weren't your guys taking care of Milosevich 10 years ago? Jesus Christ, he was slaughtering civilians in EUROPE & nobody seemed to care or have the cajoñes to stop him. His military was no match for the EU.
UN-general assembly of US hating countries with zero backbone. Personally, I've always supported the UN. I like the theory of it. It's turned out, the realization is the world does nothing without US approval. They may bluster & bluff but in the end, we call the shots. Why? Can't 137 countries take care of some tinpot dictator without the US involvement? Apparently, no.
I'm not saying I don't question authority-in fact, that's my main purpose in life, push the envelope & ask questions that can't, or won't, be answered. I've never supported a war the US was involved in, since WWII, including Desert Storm. I became a "right wing radical"

because it's damned near impossible to find a supporter of the US. Our own people piss & moan. The world decries our involvement in everything. Yet, who is on speed dial #1? I've grown sick of protestations for protests sake. If there is an argumment against what we do, bring it up. At least make it honest. "It's for oil" or "big business is calling the shots" are nice catch phrases & like all propaganda, entirely devoid of truth. Show me a reason to not make war with a murderous, callous dictator who uses chemicals & biolgicals on
his own people.
Are we an innocent samaritan? Hell no. We've stuck our noses in more rat holes than even the Kremlin ever thought about. It's politics. It is a game that has to be played. It started when there were two tribes of humans instead of just one. It has no end. Live with it. Hate it & fight it at every turn but accept the inevitable. As some author once wrote & it hit home with me, quoting a British spy-"You yanks know your business but we Brits have forgotten more than you'll ever know." It's a new world order. Somebody has to take command. Why not us?