
chcr said:
Anyone besides me ever see the BBC series?

Loved it!

It must be over 15 years old now... it was on every Sunday on the run up to Christmas. At one time the Beeb had a tradition of producing quality family drama for December Sunday children's after bath times (about 5pm!)

I do hope this Disney version is as good... with the CGI available now I'm expecting good things... I only hope they don't fuck up the story line or include innane songs!

*CB runs off to tell her man about the upcoming NZ based production.. he's a big CS Lewis fan*
I rather liked it. I haven't read the books since childhood but I couldn't find any errors beyond Mr. Tumnus being a tad young looking.
Since it was made by Disney I thought it was going to be more childish. I was rather surprised that it wasn't (as much as I expected). The movie overall is quite ok, I'd watch it again.

A friend who read the books told me that it wasn't a movie based on the book, it was a movie of the book.
Oh god no. I saw it for free thru BF's work, which is just as well, cos I couldn't imagine springing actual money for this load of hoakey. Think I'll just stick with the books. :blank:
BeardofPants said:
Oh god no. I saw it for free thru BF's work, which is just as well, cos I couldn't imagine springing actual money for this load of hoakey. Think I'll just stick with the books. :blank:
I am beginning to think that our dear BoP is a hard one to please with movies based on books...or at least books that she likes.
We took V2.0 to see it on the weekend (actually, we double-featured with Cheaper by the Dozen 2), and I loved it. Brilliant casting, and they didn't try to upsell it with cheap theatrics and special effects. Kept the focus on the kids (specially Lucy) where it belonged.

But to rate it:

If you read the book 20 years ago, and the details are sketchy ... you'll love this flick
If you read the book 20 minutes ago, and the details are clear .... you'll probably hate it.
If you've never read the book in your life .... shame on you. Go see the movie, and then read the book.
Being a big fan of the books I'd have to say this was sorta okay. I watched it and it wasn't super angry....maybe just miffed.
I did not think much of the film, i was disapointed it was good in places but i wouldnt say it was one of the best remakes at all.