National Denim Day!

Uki Chick

New Member
It's National Denim Day and I wondered how many people out there actually support it. At the office we put up the posters and collect the money etc for a chance to wear jeans on another day other than friday which is our usual casual day.

When it first came out it used to be announced on the radios and all. In the past few years the publicity on it has died down tremendously. I think it's sad not to mention such a good cause. What are you're views?
never worked in an environment where it was applicable to do such a thing...i've heard of it though...but i can't remember where the money goes.
tonksy said:
never worked in an environment where it was applicable to do such a thing...i've heard of it though...but i can't remember where the money goes.

The money goes to the CURE Foundation/ research for breast cancer. Forgot to mention that in my post.
Dunno if we have that here.....

Worked in plenty of offices and wotnot that tried enforce a dresscode.....still wore me jeans tho'.....just gotta wave an angry union rep at em when they get arsey about wot ya wearing :nerd: